What steps do you recommend tjx take to better understand

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133775884

Assignment: Supply Chain

Scenario (Hypothetical): You recently joined TJX Corporation, the Fortune 100 global offline retailer based in Framingham, MA with powerhouse brands like Home Goods, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and more. You were hired for a newly created position of chief supply risk officer in a fairly new unit within TJX called Supply Chain Risk and Mitigation Office (SCMO). TJX is a leader in adhering to strict practices in environmental, social, and corporate responsibility. The TJX buying community sources product from dozens of countries and tens of thousands of sources worldwide. The link below details robust efforts undertaken by the buyers, auditors, legal, and other employees (or contracted agents) to ensure TJX fosters ethical and sound business practices and commerce among its supply chain trading community.

As a newcomer to the organization, you are tasked to evaluate current policies and standards and recommend areas for improvement. Your meeting with executive leadership is in 2 weeks and you'll be given only 5 minutes to present your findings. What will your presentation entail? Current policies and practices look great. How will you "add value" and make a good first impression with leadership?

In your preparation for the meeting, you came across a Europol site (below) and read recent news accounts of sting operations in counterfeit goods. You were quite surprised at the scope and pervasiveness of counterfeit goods - from olive oil to medicines to tobacco. TJX buys globally and its product line is enormous: clothing, shoes, perfumes, toys, olive oil, packaged food, and more! Should TJX build protocols and practices specifically aimed at preventing the procurement of counterfeit products? In your research, you discovered that counterfeit goods represent $491 billion annually.


Prepare a 5 minute voice over pptx. recording (brief) with no more than 4-6 pptx slides to present to Leadership. Your presentation will be on the increasingly pervasive threat of counterfeit product and the immediate steps TJX should undertake to ensure its business practices and partners are devoid of counterfeit product.

You may use the NIST steps of "identify, protect, detect, respond & recover, and govern" as a framework for a new corporate initiative nicknamed "Operation Fake" or create your own action plan. What steps do you recommend TJX take to better understand, assess, and prioritize i.e, build the risk profile for counterfeit goods? Which functions (resources) should assist you? What is your timeframe? What are milestones? What is your "ask" of leadership? Interestingly, in the recent letter to shareholders, there was not one word of this growing threat. How do you convince leadership of this emerging threat?

Reference no: EM133775884

Questions Cloud

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