What stakeholder interests are in conflict

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131523641


Tones Company purchased a warehouse in a downtown district where land values are rapidly increasing. Gerald Carter, controller, and Wilma Ankara, financial vice president, are trying to allocate the cost of the purchase between the land and the building. Noting that depreciation can be taken only on the building, Carter favors placing a very high proportion of the cost on the warehouse itself, thus reducing taxable income and income taxes. Ankara, his supervisor, argues that the allocation should recognize the increasing value of the land, regardless of the depreciation potential of the warehouse. Besides, she says, net income is negatively impacted by additional depreciation and will cause the company's stock price to go down.


Answer the following questions.

• What stakeholder interests are in conflict?
• What ethical issues does Carter face?
• How should these costs be allocated?

Reference no: EM131523641

Questions Cloud

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What stakeholder interests are in conflict : What stakeholder interests are in conflict? What ethical issues does Carter face? How should these costs be allocated?
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Investor purchase a call that is so far out of the money : why do you think an investor purchase a call that is so far out of the money?


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