Reference no: EM13934185
Discuss the selected psychological theories in terms of explaining the psychological underpinnings of each theory.
Trace the evolution of each theory, relating briefly the phases, if any, each theory has undergone over time.
Critical analysis: Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses or benefits and liabilities of utilizing each of the selected therapeutic approaches through support of appropriate sources.
Identify how the scenario selected can be affected by divergent cultures factors.
Part 1 - Application of therapeutic approach: Propose an intervention plan to solving the hypothetical therapy scenario or crisis. Utilizing the selected therapeutic approach, develop a therapeutic intervention plan for the selected scenario.
What issues would you focus on?
What specifically would be the role of the therapist?
What stance would the therapist take with the couple?
What would be the specific goal of the couples therapy?
What assessment and treatment plan would you develop as the therapist, based on the selected therapeutic approach, to assist the couple in the selected scenario?
Conclusion: Summarize and draw conclusions from your discussion. Tie all aspects together and provide the reader with some final thought to consider.
This is the literature review on the case study I will attach
Fife et al. (2013), states that when briefly discussing the strengths and weaknesses of an approach for treating couples who are struggling with an extramarital affair, the cognitive- behavioral approach has many inherent strengths. In fact, it can help to foster the process of healing for couples in therapy. It can also be used to restore trust as the couple works through the process of forgiveness after infidelity. Mistrust seems to characterize the crisis and the stages to rebuild consist of four unifying factors, as one source reiterates(Fife,S.R., et al., 2013).
Penn et so. (1997), pinpoint how ?empathy, humility, commitment and apology? (343) are critical stages. Regarding interventions, establishing boundaries is a major intervention to rectify the loss of trust. Interventions to enhance both partners' sense of safety and security can help to use communication as an intervention. The author states that It is also heralded as quite beneficial in promoting both healing and attachment security after infidelity, as one source recommends.
Atkins et al. (2005), states that As far as weaknesses, some authors claim that this approach fails to take culture into account. Experts also criticize that this type can be focus too intentlyon the transgressions and not validate both parties' needs as it might target the cheating more predominantly instead of trying to uncover the root causes and ways to resolve.
For example, one source claims that lack of empirical evidence seems to cloud this model's usage. The authors advise how little research supports its use with this type of therapeutic problem.
Atkins, D. )., Baucom, D. )., Eldridge, K. )., & Christensen, A. ). (2005). Infidelity and behavioral couple therapy: Optimism in the face of betrayal. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology, 73(1), 144-150.
Fife, S. T., Weeks, G. R., & Stellberg-Filbert, J. (2013). Facilitating forgiveness in the treatment of infidelity: an interpersonal model. Journal Of Family Therapy, 35(4), 343-367.
Penn, C. D., Hernádez, S. L., & Bermúdez, J. M. (1997). USING A CROSS-CULTURAL PERSPECTIVE
TO UNDERSTAND INFIDELITY IN COUPLES THERAPY. American Journal Of Family Therapy, 25(2), 169-185.