Reference no: EM131778447
Part 1 Rough Draft
Length: 5 pages
Use last weeks paper to use as reference material for the rough draft (attached)
Your paper should be creative and demonstrate what you have learned. It should be a minimum of 5-7 pages in length and you will use APA style formatting with a title page and reference section. You should use Times New Roman, 12pt. font, double-space your lines, and set your page up with one inch margins. See the APA templates at Writing Commons for details on how to format your paper.
The Community Organization: Clearly indicate the focus of the organization and the community needs that the organization wants to address. A brief historical background of the organization should also be included.
Discuss any community partnerships that they have. Suggest additional partnerships that you feel they should have.
Explore how the cross-cultural challenges and humanitarian considerations are involved.
Demonstrate how the organization uses volunteers and the economic benefits associated with this (not just "free labor").
Illustrate any roadblocks that the organization has faced or potential could face and how they did or might find solutions.
Describe the organization's vision for the future.
Indicate what areas in which you feel the organization could improve. What challenges (technological, political, economic, laws and regulations, community-based initiatives, educational, etc.) will they need to overcome?
Discuss potential ways you might be able to contribute to the organization. How could your own interests, talents, and skills benefit this organization?
You will need to include a minimum of ten sources to support your project claims.
Title your Project
Introduction: Begin with the attention-getter, tie in the background information, and end the introduction with your thesis.
Clearly identify the topic of each section. The topic must be a statement, not a question, and should begin with your own ideas and your own words.
After identifying your topic, use quotations or paraphrase from your sources to help illustrate the point you are making (be sure to identify the author(s) and source(s)).
After you have given support, spend a sentence or two explaining how the example(s) support the section topic.
A compilation of your research, your literature review, your methods, (how the data was collected or generated and analyzed), and your results should be included in the body of your project.
Restate your thesis.
After stating your thesis, restate the topics from each of your body sections and emphasize what is important for your audience/readers to remember.
End your conclusion with a call to action that illustrates what your audience/readers should do with the information you presented.
Part 2 Reflection Journal (150 Words)
We explored the roles of mentoring and leadership in community work. Additionally, we have begun to explore the following course outcomes:
Read and extract information and ideas from a variety of texts;
- Critical thinking
identify the internal and external factors that affect the process of decision-making.
- Critical thinking & Social, Ethical and Professional Responsibility
In your journal, reflect back on what you have learned so far through the course readings, assignments, and discussions (you are encouraged to reflect back on previous weeks as well). Answer each of the following questions following questions to guide your reflection:
1. What, if anything, did you find surprising, particularly challenging, or interesting?
2. From what you know about this course so far, what connections can you make to previous learning experiences (lifelong learning skills), and how do you think this course will help you as you move forward in your college and professional life?
3. How do the course outcomes (listed above) for this week apply to your experience so far?
4. What specific ideas did you learn from the Starbucks book this week that you could use in your every life or future career?
5. What questions do you still need answered?