What specific events and ideas influenced thomas jefferson

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131133141

What specific events and ideas influenced Thomas Jefferson when he wrote the Declaration of Independence? How are these influences manifested in the Declaration of Independence?

At least 500 words

How to do the Essay Assignment

- Re-read the Tips for Doing the Reading and Writing.
- Draw on Out of Many and any relevant sources, as well as the Declaration of Independence.
- Link specific statements Jefferson makes in the Declaration of Independence to specific issues, events, people, images, and/or key terms that you learned about in Topic 5. Moreover, make sure to clearly explain how the latter are reflected in Jefferson's statements in the Declaration of Independence.

o For example: What was the Stamp Act and where in the Declaration of Independence does Jefferson refer to it? What was the Enlightenment and how does the Declaration of Independence reflect core Enlightenment values? (Do not focus solely on the examples I give you here - find some of your own!)

- Please do not waste my time and yours by plagiarizing any part of your essay.

Reference no: EM131133141

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