What specific assignments or learning activities

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133506404

Question 1.

Think of a situation in which you must treat various cultural populations at a health care organization. How could you utilize diversity and cultural training within your own work environment to better serve these diverse populations? Provide an example, either within your work environment or in society at large, of when this had an impact on the organization.

Question 2.

What specific assignments or learning activities from this course did you find particularly beneficial? What do you feel could've improved or added to your learning experience in this course?

Reference no: EM133506404

Questions Cloud

Enterprise resource planning is computerized system : Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a computerized system designed to connect all parts of a business organization as well as key portions of its supply chain
What do you think were root causes of american revolution : Was the American Revolution a democratic revolution? What do you think were the root causes of the American Revolution?
How small community hospital use information technology : Compare and contrast how a small community hospital might use information technology to improve its competitive position
What difficulties are created for congress by the fact : What difficulties are created for Congress by the fact that its members often behave in their own self interest (getting reelected)?
What specific assignments or learning activities : What specific assignments or learning activities from this course did you find particularly beneficial?
What influences a legislators vote in congress : What influences a legislator's vote in Congress? Use concrete examples (either current or past) to support your assertions.
Identify and explain possible errors that can occur : Identify and explain possible errors that can occur during mitosis. Identify and explain possible errors that can occur during meiosis. State and explain
Why do some groups tend to be underrepresented in congress : Why do some groups tend to be underrepresented in Congress? Why do you see a trend in which more women and minorities are being represented?
Identify and explain how codes of ethics directly impact : Professional Ethics - Identify and explain how codes of ethics directly impact professional practice and behaviour in the IS profession


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Operation Management Questions & Answers

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  Identify a new product or service-either recently rolled out

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In what ways have big-box retailers such as Wal-Mart or Target been a “trendsetter” in logistics?

  Example of institutional racism in the workplace

Make up one original example of individual racism and one original example of institutional racism in the workplace. Clearly label each. Do not use examples in the text.

  Define the five essential element of an enforceable contract

Describe an example of a contract that you or someone you know entered into rental agreement, cell phone agreement etc.

  What are some ethical issues involving government

What are some ethical issues involving government government shutdown?

  Impact the performance of the organization

Identify areas of potential improvement (opportunities) and threats (things that can impact the performance of the organization).

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Should Publix stick with the old supplier, or take advantage of the new quantity discount?

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