What sources does the state of texas use to collect revenue

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133607640


Must address the following points:

  1. A general explanation of the main subject of your public policy (and identify the category of policy, fiscal, education, etc.);
  2. The liberal perspective of the public policy;
  3. The conservative perspective of the public policy;
  4. Pictures, graphs, videos and other items that will help "teach" about the public policy; and
  5. End the presentation with personal opinion regarding the public policy

Q: Revenue and Spending in Texas. What sources does the state of Texas use to collect revenue? Do you believe Texas is getting all the money it can from all the sources it uses? Do you think there is a better way for Texas to collect revenue?

a. Now, talk about where Texas spends the money it collects. Do you agree with how the money is distributed?

b. Do not forget to include federal funding as part of your calculation.

Reference no: EM133607640

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