What sort of voice are you going to use in research essay

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Reference no: EM133503927

Problem: Legalizing Abortion Preserving Rights and Health Essay

Read Chapter 9 in our textbook "The Process of Research Writing" By Steven D. Krause, Edited by Jennifer McCann & Nanci Love.

Complete and share Exercise 9.1 on p. 134.

A. Restate the assignment overview for the argument research essay. What are you being asked to do?

B. Who is the audience for your research writing assignment? Besides your teacher and classmates, who else might be interested in reading your research essay?

C. What sort of voice are you going to use in your research essay? What do you think would be more appropriate for your project, first person or third person?

D. What is your working thesis? Think back to the ways you began developing your working thesis. In what ways has your working thesis changed?

For your peer response:

Read through your peers' posts. Select one peer who was not yet received a response. Craft a response of at least 100 words.

Engage in conversation.

For instance, do you agree with the basic answers to these questions?

Do the answers to these questions spark other questions that you have and need to have answered by your classmates and/or your instructor as you work on your argument research essay?

Reference no: EM133503927

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