Reference no: EM132636479
CPCCBC5011A Manage environmental management practices and processes in building and construction
Assessment Task 1
Knowledge Questions
Complete the below questions and submit your work.
Prepare an environmental management plan for the organization
1. What sort of shifts in environmental legislation or regulations has there been in recent times?
2. Explain Best practice and benchmarking methodsthat may be used to determine current environmental management performance.
3. Explain a typical Construction Project environmental obligations and management requirements .
4. Explain how an Environmental management plan is prepared on the basis of available information.
5. Explain how Senior management advice concerning implementation of plan may be sought as required.
Manage implementation of environmental management plan.
6. Explain how you might go about informing Staff and contractors of their obligations in implementing the environmental planning process and how might it be monitored for compliance.
7. How would you set about implementing Environmental data gathering systems are evaluated, changes are made as necessary, and system is managed for maximum efficiency and accuracy?
8. Explain how new projects are evaluated to determine their impact on existing environmental planning obligations.
9. Explain how Local authorities and regulatory bodies are contacted where the plan requires ongoing external monitoring or overseeing.
10. How would you convey Information concerning updates to the environmental management plan is communicated to staff and stakeholders?
11. In terms of Environmental management plan evaluation strategy ,how would you ensure to ensure that the organisation remains on track in the event of changing circumstances?
Monitor environmental management plan to ensure that it meets organisational legal obligations
12. How would you ensure Organisational feedback systems are implemented and managed to assist conformance and management of plan?
13. What methods may be used so that Regular feedback is obtained concerning the operations of the environmental management plan to assist the organisation to meet its legal obligations?
14. What type of auditing practices could be used to ensure probity and accountability towards legislative requirements are managed and maintained?
15. Explain how you would maintain contact with contractors is maintained and their compliance with environmental management requirements is monitored.
16. Explain how you would ensure emergency and remediation response strategies are implemented as necessary to assist compliance with the environmental management plan.
Evaluate and recommend changes to environmental management plan.
17. Explain how the Environmental management plan is reviewed to identify areas that need improvement, and what action is taken.
18. What measures are introduced to assist staff to suggest more efficient procedures and innovations to improve the performance of the environmental management plan.
19. Explain how Plans are may be redrafted to include improvements or address deficiencies found during the monitoring.
20. Explain how revised plans are submitted for endorsement by senior management and procedures are changed accordingly.