What social science fields do resources you chose represent

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Reference no: EM133572316

Discussion Post: Gerontology as Interdisciplinary Science

We examined the concept of interdisciplinarity and what makes social science an interdisciplinary topic. Gerontology is a highly interdisciplinary social science, as it draws on research, theories, and ideas from many different fields to better address the topic of aging. This material asked you to examine aging from the perspectives of the five other social sciences we have examined in this course. Choose two of the resources and answer the following questions:

Question 1. What two social science fields do the resources you chose represent?

Question 2. What does each source add to your understanding of the issues in gerontology? How would it affect your understanding of this topic if you looked at it from one perspective?

Question 3. What are the consequences if a social scientist has incomplete knowledge of a topic?

Reference no: EM133572316

Questions Cloud

Identify at least three dimensions of identity : Identify at least three dimensions of identity (for example, age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or spiritual practice, class, ability
Identify contributions by public health agencies, positions : Identify contributions by public health agencies, positions, or roles regarding the selected public health issue diabetes and identify at least one of each
How has how you were raised affected your health as an adult : Growing up, how important was physical health (nutrition, exercise etc.) in your family? How has how you were raised affected your health as an adult?
Describe the pharmacokinetics of each drug, adverse effects : describe the pharmacokinetics of each drug, adverse effects, interactions with other medications, how it is reversed and how it is monitored.
What social science fields do resources you chose represent : What two social science fields do the resources you chose represent? What are the consequences if a social scientist has incomplete knowledge of a topic?
Context of new york at the time of politics and economy : What are the broader context of new york at the time of politics and economy? what kind of transformation were happening? what tensions or crises were presented
What did you learn about alzheimer : What did you learn about Alzheimer's that you didn't know before? How might a social worker work with this family system? How would you help them?
Informal social control and formal social control : What is the difference between informal social control and formal social control?
Compare characteristics of cohort and clinical trial study : Compare the characteristics of cohort and clinical trial study designs. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each type of study design and discuss


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