Reference no: EM131217323
Lab 1: Deliverable
Name:Type your full name here
1. Cartographers often use simple tools, be they pen and paper or a word processor and websites, to create appealing maps. You used the "Maps in Assignments" documentand your efforts to create maps for this lab assignment.
Describe the steps you tookto convert themap that you made in Social Explorer tothefinal figure that is included in this deliverable. Describe how you developed one or two specific map features, such as the legend or title.
2. When you read about census data in the Social Explorer help files and online at the US Census website,and when you play around with the map selection menus, you will notice that census geography has a hierarchical organization. In this hierarchy, different spatial units nest inside each other (e.g. census tracts nest within counties).
What is the smallest unit used in the census geography hierarchy?
What is the smallest unit available for mapping in Social Explorer?
3. The reading describes many aspects of data and data collection, ranging from the fine technical details to the larger social, political, and economic dimensions.
Describe one way that methods of data collection for the census have social and/or political implications. Make sure to reference to a specific passage in the reading, and provide a page number.
4. In creating your map of renter housing, you used 2010 Census Tract as your choice in the map selection menus; see Figure 2 in the lab assignment for an example of these menus. Now, let's say you want to track changes in housing over time by comparing two periods: 1950 and 2010. Select 1950 Census Tract and explore the categories available in the menus below. You will see differences between the 1950 and 2010 censuses. These differences often result in poor data interoperability because some of the attribute data measure different variables from year to year and some of the spatial data don't describe the same places in the same way. As discussed in lecture, for example, spatial data mapped at different resolutions (i.e., counties in one map, zip codes in another) are less interoperable than data reported at the same resolution.
Comparing the 1950 and 2010 data, describe one difference in terms of spatial interoperability and one difference in terms of attribute interoperability.
How would these differences affect your ability to track changes in the housing variable over time?
5. Insert your completed map (including title, legend, and data source) below.
Attachment:- lab1_mappingdata.rar
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