What skills were utilized during the assessment

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Reference no: EM133573470

Assignment: Assess and Document

Module Content

Conduct an assessment of the following body systems:

Head, Face, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat & Neck

You may conduct the assessment on a fellow student, friend, or family member. Remember to secure their permission.

Collect both subjective and objective data using the process described in the textbook.

Write a summary of the assessment and the skills utilized. Refer to the questions below. Do not disclose any patient identifiers.

Question 1) What skills (assessment techniques) were utilized during the assessment?

Question 2) What subjective data did you collect? (list your findings)

Question 3) What objective data did you collect? (list your findings)

Reference no: EM133573470

Questions Cloud

What is value and how is it determined and measured : What is value and how is it determined and measured? In your opinion, does business generally determine and measure value appropriately? In a free market
What were kristen peters goals coming into the internship : What were Kristen Peters' goals coming into the internship at Taylor Reed? Why should Kristen have anticipated political problems in pursuing these goals?
Define the concept of working cash for nonprofits : Define the concept of 'working cash' for nonprofits. What is it, what does it consist of, and what is it used for?
Develop a loyalty plan for the hbu athletics department : For this assignment, you will develop a new promotion and loyalty plan for the HBU Athletics Department.
What skills were utilized during the assessment : What skills (assessment techniques) were utilized during the assessment? What subjective data did you collect? What objective data did you collect?
List four topics that you would recommend be included : List four (4) topics that you would recommend be included in a business ethics policy or statement. Pick one to explain what it should say and why it is
Discuss the theory of optimization-sub-optimization : Consider how optimization/sub-optimization impacts various stakeholders. Does your opinion change if you place yourself in someone else's shoes?
Do you think the bankruptcy judges should have this ability : Do you think the bankruptcy judges should have this ability even though they aren't in the same class as a federal judge? Why or why not?
What should be the focus for her nutritional history : What should be the focus for her nutritional history and assessment? What dietary recommendations should be made?


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