What skills taught to foster parents in this intervention

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Reference no: EM131034774

Article 1: Comorbidity of Anxiety and Depression in Youth: Implications for Treatment and Prevention

Article 2: Effectiveness of the KEEP foster parent intervention during an implementation trial Joseph M. Price a,c, ?, Scott C. Roesch a,c, Natalia Escobar Walsh b,c

Article 3: Attention on Inattention: The Differential Effect of Caregiver Education on Endorsement of ADHD Symptoms

Additional Extra Credit Opportunities

Three additional extra credit opportunities for Psy 333 are available, one related to each unit. You are more than welcome to complete one, two, or all three for extra credit. Each extra credit assignment takes the form of an additional reading from a peer reviewed journal and related essay question. Similar to the extra credit questions from the unit exams, each essay question has prompts to address. Your response should be in paragraph form, at least one, double spaced page. Each essay question is worth up to 5 points. The essays for both Unit 1 and Unit 2 are due by midnight PST on 4/21 (emailed to me at [email protected]). The essay for Unit 3 is due by midnight PST on 5/6 (emailed to me at [email protected]).

Unit 1 Extra Credit Reading and Essay Question (Due 4/21)

Paper Citation: Weckerly, J., Aarons, G. A., Leslie, L. K., Garland, A. F., Landsverk, J., & Hough, R. L. (2005). Attention on inattention: The differential effect of caregiver education on ADHD symptoms. Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 26, 201-208.

Essay Question: Describe the primary goal of this paper and the authors'hypotheses.

Did parental education predict parent endorsement of youth ADHD symptoms, and if so did this variable predict endorsement consistently across type of ADHD symptoms (e.g., inattentive and hyperactivity symptoms;). In their discussion, the authors discuss two primary reasons why they believe they found these results. Briefly, describe these two reasons.

What are potential implications for the assessment of ADHD (e.g., what types of assessments are needed;)?

Unit 2 Extra Credit Reading and Essay Question (Due 4/21)

Paper Citation: Garber & Weersing, (2010). Comorbidity of anxiety and depression in youth: Implications for treatment and prevention. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 17, 293-306.

Essay Question: The authors discuss high rates of comorbidity between anxious and depressive disorders in youth. They posit three primary explanations for the high rates of comorbidity, including 1) symptom overlap, 2) common etiological factors, and 3) negative sequelae of anxiety in youth. Briefly describe pathway 1 (symptom overlap;) and pathway 3 (anxiety as a risk for depression;).

Unit 3 Extra Credit Reading and Essay Question (Due 5/6)

Paper Citation: Price, J. M., Roesch, S. C., & Walsh, N. E. (2012). Effectiveness of the KEEP foster parent intervention during an implementation trial. Children and Youth Services Review, 34, 2487-2494.

Essay Question: This article examined the effectiveness of an intervention for foster parents aimed at preventing/reducing behavior problems in foster youth. Please describe the KEEP intervention, specifically, what skills are taught to foster parents in this intervention?

Based on our discussion of parent management training and the development of behavior problems in Unit 1 (slides 4B and 5A), what are possible mechanisms by which the KEEP intervention is helping to prevent/reduce behavior problems?

Did the KEEP SAY implementation trial group have more positive outcomes compared with the KEEP effectiveness study control group, and if so what were the outcomes (e.g., child symptoms, parent symptoms;)?

Reference no: EM131034774

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