Reference no: EM132374056
Assignment: Leadership Journal
For your Leadership Journal, you will reflect and respond to the following prompt, adding to your existing leadership journal from the last course.
Assignment Instructions and Content Expectations:
1. Part 1: Creating and maintaining Family and Community partnerships in 21st Century Early Childhood Education. Respond to each essential question below. Provide an explanation, with supporting details and examples, in your response to each reflective question.
• What skills are vital for educational leaders to implement and maintain effective partnerships with families?
• How will you locate, organize, and order relevant information about families to improve the educational outcomes of the children you work with?
2. Part 2: Program/Professional Reflection. Respond to each essential question below. Provide an explanation, with supporting details and examples, in your response to each reflective question.
• What strategies and actions will you use to manage the human resources available in the community in which you work?
• What strategies and actions will you use to manage the financial resources available in the community in which you work?
• How can you communicate information and ideas to ensure that your program maximizes the benefits of the communities' contributions?
Integrative and Critical Thinking Expectations (demonstrated within the content of the journal):
• Connections to Experience: Meaningfully synthesizes connections among experiences, both inside and outside of coursework, to deepen the understanding of their field of study and to broaden their own point of view.
• Reflection and Self-Assessment: Envisions a future self and makes plans that build on experiences that have occurred across multiple and diverse contexts.
Research and Resource Expectations:
Sources are not required for this journal assignment. However, if you need to cite information, you must cite in APA format and include a reference page.
Writing and Formatting Expectations:
• Professional Reflective Voice: Journal may be written in a less formal, but still professional, voice (avoids casual language). First person voice is encouraged.
• Organization: Demonstrates logical progression of ideas.
• Syntax and Mechanics: Writing displays meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
• APA Formatting: Papers are formatted properly and all sources (if used) are cited and referenced in APA style, as outlined
Suggested Assignment Length:
Two double-spaced pages, not including title and reference pages.