What situation should mother be advise against breastfeeding

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131113683

Part 1:  PowerPoint Presentation

Prepare an eight- to ten-slide PowerPoint Presentation discussing the roles of 5-7 subdisciplines of toxicology and the connection these subdisciplines have in occupational health and safety. Be sure to cite references on your last slide in proper APA format. You may either utilize the speaker's notes feature to type the script of what you would say if you were to present the PowerPoint to your classmates or record your voice speaking within the PowerPoint Presentation.

Textbook that must be used for source of project:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

Part II: Essay

Create an imaginary profile of a family of three to four members providing details such as sex, age, health status, nutritional status, and medications for each member of the family. Develop a scenario in which the entire family is exposed to a toxin, and explain how the toxicant reacts differently to each family member as it correlates to the individual member's profile. This paper should be a minimum of two pages in length. You are required to use three sources, one of which can be your textbook. All sources used, including your textbook, must be  referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Textbook that must be used for source of project:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.


Post a one- to two-paragraph Journal springing from a peer-reviewed article that discusses variations in susceptibility of a specific toxicant based on sex, age, hormonal status, pregnancy, or nutritional status. Propose at least two science-based questions in the Journal, and include the link to the article from which you have extrapolated your discussion.

Part III: Case Study

In 500 words, respond to the following scenario. Please be sure to utilize at least two references to support your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. A woman delivers a healthy baby just prior to starting a new job at a small manufacturing plant. Within a few months after she starts work at her new job, her infant  appears sickly and is hospitalized. The woman discusses her newborn's condition with her co-workers and finds an unsettling similarity to events that led up to the illness of another female coworker's child. First, how might you determine if there is a connection between the mother's new job and her child's illness? Speculate what factors you might have to address and how would you test to prove that there was a connection. Would the woman have a case if it were taken to court? Why, or why not?

Textbook that must be used for source of project:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.


Post a three - to four - paragraphs in the Course Journal, post about three concepts you learned from the readings in Unit III that will directly relate to your future employment.

Part IV: Research Paper

Choose a single toxicant, and explain how it can impact the immune system, respiratory system, and the liver. This paper should consist of a minimum of two pages and utilize at least two reliable references in addition to the textbook. One of your references must be a peer-reviewed resource. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Textbook that must be used for source of project:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.


Post a one- to two-paragraph Journal discussing your thoughts on animal testing for immunocompetence tests. Things that you may include in your Journal include whether there are other viable options (other than animal testing) for testing immunocompetence, what the best options are, and what information we have gained/can we gain as a result of these tests.

Part V : Article Review

Locate an article that discusses a toxicant that affects a target organ or organ system that we have discussed thus far in this course. Write an Article Review, and relate the content of what you have learned in this course to the article and to your real life experiences. This paper should include a minimum of 500 words and must include at least two references outside of the textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Textbook that must be used for source of project:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.


Post a three - to four - paragraphs discuss three concepts you learned from this unit's reading and how they directly relate to your future employment. Post your response on the Course Journal.

Part VI : Research Paper

Compare and contrast a toxin that affects the nervous system, one that affects the endocrine system, and another that affects the cardiovascular system. What characteristics are shared by these toxins, and what characteristics of these toxins make these toxins vulnerable to toxicity of these specific systems? This paper should be a minimum of two pages and utilize at least two reliable references in addition to the textbook. One of your references must be a peer-reviewed resource. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Textbook that must be used for source of project:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.


Post a one- to two-paragraph Journal discussing your thoughts on biological warfare. Things that you may include in your Journal include immediate effects, long-term effects of these toxins on multiple generations, as well as the effects on the environment. Unit VII PowerPoint Presentation Pretend that you are participating in a public safety awareness forum and that you have been selected to deliver a presentation on the health risks of one of the toxic substance categories that we have covered in this unit. Create an eight- to ten-slide PowerPoint Presentation discussing the major toxicological concerns, including possible sources of exposure, symptoms of toxicity, and health risks to humans. Be sure to cite references on your last slide in proper APA format. You may either utilize the speakers' notes feature to type the script of what you would say if you were to present the PowerPoint or record your voice speaking within the PowerPoint Presentation.

Textbook that must be used for source of project:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

Part VIII: Journal

Post a one- to two-paragraph Journal tracing the hypothetical events of a worker transferring the ill effects of exposure to an occupational toxicant to individuals outside of the workplace.


1. Explain teratogenesis. Speculate what organs may be affected and what effects may be observed if a toxicant interrupts the developmental stage of the neonate? Your response should be at least 100 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material from your textbook must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations).

Textbook that must be used for source of question:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

2. What are the Phase I and Phase II reactions? Explain why these reactions are important in the biotransformation of toxicants. Your response should be at least 100 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material from your textbook must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations).

Textbook that must be used for source of question:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

3. Lead is a ubiquitous metal that has various sources of exposure. Briefly explain how and why the effects of similar exposure to lead may vary according to an individual's age. Your response should be at least 100 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material from your textbook must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations).

Textbook that must be used for source of question:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

4. In what situations should a mother be advised against breastfeeding? Should a mother who breastfeeds be held legally responsible for harm that may result from breastfeeding the infant?

Your response should be at least 100 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material from your textbook must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations).

Textbook that must be used for source of question:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

5. A lot of discussion has developed over recent years in regards to the effects of steroids used on milk cows and how the steroids are transferred to the consumer products. Discuss what classification of food additive the steroids may fall under, and explain why. What potential concerns might this type of food additive cause for the consumer?

Your response should be at least 100 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material from your textbook must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations).

Textbook that must be used for source of question:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

6. Explain how an air pollutant can be transferred from air to contaminant a body of water. Your response should be at least 100 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material from your textbook must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations).

Textbook that must be used for source of question:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

7. Apply two major sub-disciplines of toxicology to roles in occupational safety and health. Your response should be at least 100 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material from your textbook must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations).

Textbook that must be used for source of question:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

8. A worker is suspected to be exposed to a neurological toxicant. Speculate on what effects might be observed if the chemical indeed tested positive as being a neurological toxicant in laboratory testing.

Your response should be at least 100 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material from your textbook must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations).

Textbook that must be used for source of question:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

9. What is the difference between carcinogenesis and mutagenesis? Is it possible for a toxicant to cause the initiation of both events?

Your response should be at least 100 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material from your textbook must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations).

Textbook that must be used for source of question:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

10. Describe the factors-such as sex, age, health status, nutritional status, and medications- that alter the level of toxicity and the way a toxicant reacts in an individual. Your response should be at least 100 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material from your textbook must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations).

Textbook that must be used for source of question:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

Final Project

Select a toxicant that can be classified as an air, water or soil pollutant, or an organic solvent. Discuss the exposure limits of this toxicant, how an individual may be exposed, and the toxic effects. Also, discuss the possibility of the toxicant being a carcinogen and what risk assessments would be involved in the carcinogen or noncarcinogen.

Your report (paper) should be at least two pages in length. The title page and reference page are not included in the required paper length. Your paper must contain at least three references and may include Internet sources, books, and professional journals or resources related to the profession. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Textbook that must be used for source of project:

Kacew, S., & Lee, B. M. (2013). Lu's basic toxicology: Fundamentals, target organs, and risk assessment (6th ed.). New York, NY: Informa Healthcare.

Reference no: EM131113683

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