What should the role of the federal government

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM13193799

1.What should the role of the federal government be when it comes to crime control?

Please remember that your response must be 350 words and use at least one academic reference citation in order to receive credit.

2.Has the selection of judges become politicized? If so, what may be done to minimize this effect? Please remember that your response must be 350 words and use at least one academic reference citation in order to receive credit.

Reference no: EM13193799

Questions Cloud

Audience in communicating the authors purposes : During the mid 1800s, slave narratives became an important literary forum for abolitionists. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Awareness of oppression and arousing sympathy : By creating awareness of oppression and arousing sympathy of supporters, the arts can be a form of protest. Identify and describe an example of how either black slaves or white abolitionists used the arts as a form of protest against slavery.
Explain the effect of scarcity on economics : Scarcity shapes decisions about how to distribute goods. Because resources are scarce consumers buy fewer good.
Compute the amount of the heat lost by the reaction in kj : A 100.00 ml of volume of 0.500 M HCl was mixed with 100.00 ml of 0.500 M KOH in a constant pressure calorimeter. The initial temperature of individual acid and base was 23 degree celsius.
What should the role of the federal government : What should the role of the federal government be when it comes to crime control and has the selection of judges become politicized? If so, what may be done to minimize this effect
What constant deceleration is required to stop the car : A car is traveling at 90 km/h when the driver sees an accident 50 m ahead and slams on the brakes. What constant deceleration is required to stop the car in time to avoid a pileup? (Give your answer correct to two decimal places.)
Explain the nitrogen molecule : the IUPAC name for the aniline C6H5NH2 with both CH3 and CH2CH2CH3 attached to the nitrogen molecule?
What are some specific criminal justice policies : What are some specific criminal justice policies supported by the current administration? Can the policies be categorized as being liberal or conservative? Explain your answer.
Define the termpublic policy : What problems are associated with formulating crime policy based on crime perceptions rather than crime reality? On what characteristics must crime policy be based?


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