What should the primary investigation consist of

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Reference no: EM131327944 , Length: word count:300

Theft and Burglary Investigations

Burglaries are the silent dread of everyone who has a lock on his or her door. Burglary can take many forms and the investigation of burglaries requires attention to detail. Analyze both of the burglary cases below and address the corresponding questions for one of them.

A 54-year-old woman was arrested outside of a business after a silent alarm went off, alerting an officer in the area. The officer found her prying at a side door using a crowbar.

What should the primary investigation consist of?

Should the officers/investigators handle this differently than a typical burglary case due to the sex and age of the perpetrator? Why or why not?

What actions would you take as an investigator? Why?

There have been a series of thefts of expensive convertibles in the community. The thefts are occurring during the day. No witnesses or victims have any suspect information. In one case, the owner unknowingly observed his car being driven away, but did not realize it was his own convertible until he reached his garage to find it gone. None of the cars have been recovered. Cars are not stolen on days when there is snow on the ground. At one scene, officers found some type of debris that was consistent with parts of a convertible top.

What actions would you take as an investigator? Why?

Your initial response should be 250-300 words in length.

Reference no: EM131327944

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