What should the initial setting be and what is your rational

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Reference no: EM133568274

Assess the critically ill patients and discuss adjustments needed

Mrs. Assessment is a 27 y/o female came into the emergency room with chief compliant of SOB. She is now having a hard time finishing sentences and is becoming very anxious. Upon your arrival you notice she is leaning in the bedside table and suddenly losses consciousness.

The code bell is activated and simultaneously while the patient is being bagged the gas below is obtained before the decision is made to intubate 7.25 60 255 26

After reviewing her chart, you discover the patient PMH of non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema and COPD.
What is your thought process right now concerning the initial vent settings (not related to IBW) Based on what you have in front of you?

What affects do you will believe this will have on the patients dynamic or static compliance?

The patient is transported to the ICU post intubation the physician request that you reevaluate initiate vent settings (Pt is 5 foot five 120-kg female) and recorded a plat. Pressure of 38

If time permits, would you listen to breath sounds before initiating MV, post MV, or both?

What equipment should the RCP gather prior to transport to ensure safety and a uneventful trip?

Why did you select each piece, and how will they assist in the goal of patient safety?

What is your recommendation for setting based on the information collected so far, because the next dilemma is the patient plat-pressure and the standing order that the pt peep should stay at 15 (regardless of what your initial setting are)

Based on the initial vent settings you decided and the current clinical picture what do you think the physician's rationale is for the standing order, and what is your response/counter recommendation?

An alert 56year old man with a history of COPD presents in the emergency department complaining of dyspnea, which worsened over the last few days. A blood gas is drawn on room air:
7.26 70 50 32

The decision was made to intubate what should be the initial settings and what is your rationale?

An alert, anxious 60-year-old man with a history of CHF presents in the ED with respiratory distress. Auscultation reveals bilateral inspiratory crackles. He has peripheral edema the following ABG results were drawn on a partial rebreathing mask show:
7.45 35 40 23

The decision was made to intubate what should the initial setting be and what is your rationale?

Reference no: EM133568274

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