What should the criminal justice system be doing to ensure

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133595860

Scenario 1

You respond to a call for a robbery that has just occurred. The location is a busy intersection in the downtown area. You arrive moments later to discover a few people standing around an older woman who is sitting on a bench at the bus stop. You learn from the bystanders that they heard the woman scream that a man just grabbed her purse from her.

You quickly ask the bystanders if any of them saw what happened. They all state that they did not; they simply heard the older woman scream. Your next step is to interview the older woman to get suspect more information.

Your first observation is that the older woman looks visibly upset. Standing over the bench, you begin your interview. As you attempt to obtain the older woman's name, age, what occurred, and a description of the suspect, the older woman repeatedly says, "I don't know...I'm so upset I can't think."

Scenario 2

You are dispatched to a local convenience store for a shoplifting report. Your dispatcher advises you that store security has a subject in custody. Upon your arrival, a security officer advises you that he has apprehended a subject who shoplifted several medicinal items, and that store management wishes to press charges. When you enter the office, you encounter the suspect, a frail 76-year-old female, who is ambulating with the assistance of a walker.

When you question the suspect, you learn that she has attempted to shoplift several "over the counter" medications valued at $100.00. Remorseful, the suspect advises you that she cannot afford these items but requires them for her medical conditions.

Scenario 3

You are called to an assisted living facility. You arrive first on the scene and encounter the facility director awaiting you at the entrance. The director advises you that a 74-year-old woman in the dayroom is acting aggressively and threatening the residents and the staff. The director states the staff is unable to get control of the woman or her aggressive behavior. Once in the dayroom, you encounter the woman, Beatrice Hicks sitting in the corner.

As you attempt to speak with Mrs. Hicks, she begins to scream profanities at you and swing her cane.

The director states that Mrs. Hicks cannot remain in the facility while displaying this type of behavior. As you again attempt to communicate with Mrs. Hicks, she rises from her chair, swinging the cane at you and says she is going to her room. As she attempts to leave the dayroom, she strikes a staff member with her cane.

1. How do the three scenarios illustrate the specific challenges law enforcement officers have in dealing with older adults?

2. What should the criminal justice system be doing to ensure that law enforcement officers are equipped to deal with a rapidly increasing older population? Be specific in identifying strategies you recommend.

Reference no: EM133595860

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