What should jeffery do

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Reference no: EM133037004

Jeffery is an executive officer of a bank and drives to work every day. Today, he wakes up later than his usual time as he has attended a party last night till dawn. He has to rush to the office before his Manager. As such, he is driving a touch faster than the speed limit. Due to handover from the party, he is not able to concentrate on the road. All of a sudden, his car hits something solid. Jeffery is spin to a stop, and several more cars have run into him and each other in an attempt to avoid the accident.

Jeffery notice that he has hit a person, and that the person is not looking very good. In fact, Jeffery is quite sure that the person is dead. Jeffery shakily get out of the car, and looks around at the damage that has been caused. Several cars have been badly smashed up, but more importantly Jeffery has killed someone with his careless driving.

As Jeffery is standing there in shock, a woman comes up to him, tears running down her face, and obviously very shook up. She told Jeffery that she has just ran over someone. Jeffery asks her where this person is, and she points towards the person that Jeffery ran over!

Jeffery does not understand why, but for some reason this woman thinks that she caused this accident and killed the person, when in fact Jeffery is well aware that he was the cause. Whoever accepts the blame is likely to be placed in jail for a very long time. If Jeffery let the woman take the blame, there is a very good chance he will get away with it all. However, there is also the chance that Jeffery could be placed in jail for even longer for trying to cover it up.

What should Jeffery do?

Reference no: EM133037004

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