What should be modeled as threads

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM13976720


In this project, you will require to develop a "back end" of a simple game simulation. No graphical output is required. All output should be stored in a (textual) log file.

In this game, we have: one dragline excavator, two trains, and one power plant. The dragline excavator consumes power cells and produces coal; power plant consumes coal and produces power cells; train consumes power cells and can transport both coal and power cells between excavator and power plant, respectively.


• Dragline Excavator (1x)

o Consumption: 2 power cells

o Production: 1 coal

o Storage for power cells:
- Max: 30 units
- Initial value: 10 units

o Storage for coal
- Max: 15 units
- Initial value: 5 units

• Power plant (1x)

o Consumption: 1 coal

o Production: 5 power cells

o Storage for power cells:
- Max:50 units
- Initial value: 10 units

o Storage for coal
- Max: 20 units
- Initial value: 10 units

• Train (2x)

o Consumption (from fuel cell tank): 1 fuel cell per one-way trip

o Capacity of fuel tank: 5 power cells

o Carrying capacity: 10 units of either coal or power cells (cannot be mixed!)

Part-1 (Individual Assignment)

Analyze proposed game and answer following questions:

• What should be modeled as threads?

• What should be modeled as variables? Which of them should be global (shared) and which can be local?

• What problems can occur in this game? (List all instances and be specific)

• What constructs can be used to prevent these problems?

Reference no: EM13976720

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