Reference no: EM131390421
Applying the Multidisciplinary Approach
Find an article in the Capella University Library that addresses a real-world problem from the field and complete the following:
Write a clear, concise summary of the problem to be addressed.
Analyze how you would apply each step of the multidisciplinary approach to address the problem. For example:
What data might be collected?
Who should be included in the dialogue?
what should be addressed during collaboration?
What is the recommended course of action?
Who should communicate the course of action?
What should be discussed and with whom?
Step back and reflect on your analysis. How did your analysis of what should happen differ from the article's description of what actually occurred?
Discussion 2
Gathering Information
The readings this week discussed the importance of gathering data as an essential first step in the helping process. In your An Introduction to Human Services text, review the case that appears on pages 152-153 and reflect on how you might engage in this first step if you were presented this case in practice, addressing the following:
The readings present several perspectives through which a helping professional might view a case. Provide a summary of the case through the different perspectives.
What do you see as the advantages and disadvantages of looking at the case from only one perspective?
As you learned this week, the point of the data collection phase is to be able to create a clear picture of the problem(s) to be addressed in collaborative session. Understanding this, what additional information do you feel needs to be gathered to present a holistic view of this case? Explain your reasoning.
How much current will flow in this circuit
: An inductor has an inductance of 0.65 henry and is connected to a 277 volt, 60 Hz power line. How much current will flow in this circuit? (Assume the wire resistance of the coil to be negligible.)
What is the probability that it has four right angles
: A shape is randomly selected from the following quadrilaterals: parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square, and trapezoid. What is the probability that it has four right angles, given that it has four congruent sides?
Find the distribution of the number of pupils
: ST303 2017 COURSEWORK. The income of families in the area has a distribution with density ½e-x + (1/4√x)e-√x, (x > 0) measured in appropriate units. Using Monte Carlo methods find the distribution of the number of pupils entitled to a discount
What would be total inductance of the circuit
: Three choke coils have inductances of 0.56 henry, 0.72 henry, and 0.43 henry. If these coils are connected in series, what would be total inductance of the circuit?
What should be addressed during collaboration
: Find an article in the Library that addresses a real-world problem from the field and complete the following:Write a clear, concise summary of the problem to be addressed.Analyze how you would apply each step of the multidisciplinary approach to addr..
Write the process to which number applies
: The standard heat of formation for NH4ClO4 (s) is -88.9 kJ. Write the process towhich this number applies.
Prepare an annotated bibliography of your research
: Prepare an annotated bibliography of your research. Please read Annotated Bibliography.pdf for an overview on annotated bibiographies. Click here for an example of what an annotated bibliography looks like.
Chlorine shorthand configuration and valence electrons
: a) Write the chlorine shorthand configuration and valence electrons. b) Why chloride anion size larger than neutral chlorine atom?
Fit an appropriate regression model
: Fit an appropriate regression model to predict the probability of development of retinopathy based on years of diabetes. Is the model significant at α =0.05.