What should a firms strategy be to reach this market

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131430144

Spring Assignment on Diversity - Hispanics -  Assignment

Ruth Rosales Video -https://stream.fsb.muohio.edu/flash/mkt291/hispanicdiversity.html

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgPRYZ1mtpg -- U.S. Hispanic spending influences the nation's economy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVOm8iIIgYo - Pizza patron Hispanic marketing success story


VIEW outside of class -- the videos below

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQnhuj11zgI&feature=share (this was in Ruth's video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0ASJ6dOk30 (This was in Ruth's video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRbCvyxMeNI Differences in Latino and Hispanics

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b2S-ngGSXA Bill Moyers Interview - Hispanic America

Read the following articles that focus on various aspects of the Hispanic consumer market:








This assignment is to assist in broadening your understanding of the Hispanic population as a marketplace, as consumers of unique products as well as consumers of some products which are the same as other minority or majority groups.

Questions to consider include: How should this group‘s specific attributes affect marketing decisions, and what should a firm's strategy be to reach this market? After researching the articles and watching the videos, please answer the following questions. Please double space, spell- check, and support your answers!

My question is: d.Can Hispanic consumers be targeted in one consumer segment or are there differences among them that need to be considered?

Reference no: EM131430144

Questions Cloud

Discuss how given fact may affect your conclusions : Some student-athletes may be reluctant to provide this kind of information, even in a survey where there is no possibility that they can be identified. Discuss how this fact may affect your conclusions.
Determine the ka for the butanoic acid solution : A solution of butanoic acid is prepared from 0.067 mol of butanoic acid in sufficient water to give 1.0 L of solution and has a pH of 2.72.  Determine the Ka for the butanoic acid solution.
Standard temperature and pressure conditions : Methane (CH4) behaves as an ideal gas under standard temperature and pressure conditions. What volume is occupied by 1 kg of methane at a temperature of 35 °C and a pressure of 0.9 atm?
How and why did early american abstraction develop : How and why did early American abstraction develop? What subjects were present in your artist's abstract works? Describe with at least one example from the artist
What should a firms strategy be to reach this market : Mkt 291 : How should this group‘s specific attributes affect marketing decisions, and what should a firm's strategy be to reach this market? After researching the articles and watching the videos, please answer the following questions. Please do..
Display data in two way table and perform chi square test : Summarize the results and give a brief statement of your conclusion. Your two-way table has a count of zero in one cell. Does this invalidate your significance test? Explain why or why not.
Calculate the ph during the titration : Calculate the pH during the titration of 20.0 mL of 0.25 M HBr(aq) with 0.25 M LiOH after 21 mL of the base have been added.
Implement the pitteway-watkinson antialiasing algorithm : Write a program to implement the Pitteway-Watkinson antialiasing algorithm as a scan-line procedure to fill a polygon interior, using the OpenGL point-plotting function.
Ingredient of automobile antifreeze : Ethylene glycol, C2H6O2, is an ingredient of automobile antifreeze.  Its density is 1.11 g/cm^3 at 20 °C.  If you need exactly 500. mL of this liquid, what mass of the compound, in kg, is required?


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