What selection criteria are used

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13930186

Start Access, and then open the FirmPays database located in the LE4 folder extracted from the zip file in IP3. Open the query

named "June 2". View the query in SQL, and answer the following questions:

1. Which tables are used in the query?

2. Which fields are displayed in the query results

3. What type of join is used between the tables

4. What selection criteria are used?

Then write a query in SQL in the FirmPays database that fulfills the following parameters:

? Displays the AmtPaid, Firm#, DatePaid, and Payment#

? Selects firm number 1115 and DatePaid between 6-1 and 6-10

? Results should be ordered by payment date

Deliverables: answers to questions 1-4, your SQL statement.

If possible, provide APA references on this project and the one before it.

Attachment:- 1_u3ips.zip

Reference no: EM13930186

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