Reference no: EM133459092 , Length: word count:3000
Project - Invisible Science
Introduction: Science has ensured longer healthier lives by providing medicines to cure our diseases, providing for our basic needs, provides energy and makes life more fun, and has given us the latest communication technology. It must respond to societal needs and global challenges such as climate change, ocean health, biodiversity loss and freshwater security. Throughout this course we will touch on some of these areas using examples of advances within the major physical sciences that will be touched on.
But what scientific achievement interests you the most? How does it affect our everyday lives in ways that are ‘invisible' to us? What impact does it have on society as a global community? Are there any harmful consequences that have been detrimental to us?
Just as we have been tackling similar aspects of science in our weekly lesson's, the final product of this project involves presenting an interesting science topic of your choice in a creative way while addressing some of the same types of questions!
This Project is worth 30% of your total grade for the course broken down into:
Task 1: Project Topic - Choose your Invisible Influence
Task 2: Project Synopsis - Planning questions
Task 3: Project Final Product - Creative Presentation
Task 1: Project Topic - Choose your Invisible Influence
First, choose an invisible science topic of interest to you or that you're eager to learn more about and would enjoy investigating further! It can be on a specific scientific advancement OR any science topic of interest to you.
When choosing a topic be mindful of:
Choosing something that is not too broad in scope, if it is try and narrow it down a bit. For example, cancer is a massive topic!!! Pick a subset of the disease such as leukemia.
Ensure the following can be addressed when choosing your topic:
• Is my research topic top broad in scope? (If so, really narrow it down!!!)
• What about your topic interests you?
• What do you hope to gain by investigating it further?
• In what way(s) does it benefit society? How has the discovery/breakthrough/advancement positively impacted society?
• In what way(s) does it harm society? What are the potential ethical and social ramifications of the breakthrough/advancement on society?
Task 2: Project Synopsis - Planning Questions
Next, it is time to research your invisible science. Ensure you address each of the following questions with specific details. This will help you organize your thoughts and each of these criteria should eventually be featured in your final creative presentation in some way.
Planning Questions:
Using proper sentence/paragraph structure provide well thought out responses to address the following:
• General Introduction (~200 words) - Background/general information on your topic
• Subtopics (~200 words ea subtopic)- Discuss in more detail 2 focus areas within your topic
• Beneficial Global Impact (~200 words) - How has the discovery/breakthrough/advancement positively impacted society?
• Detrimental Global Impact (~200 words) - Discuss the potential ethical and social ramifications of the breakthrough/advancement on society
• References - At least 4 sources of information in proper APA format APA Guidelines
Task 3: Project Final Product
Finally, it's time to bring it all together in as fancy a way that you can think of as long as it fulfills the rubric requirements (at the end of this document) and is some sort of electronic submission. All of your information from Task 2: Planning Questions should be featured in some way, shape, or form in this final product!
Some possible options are:
Whatever creative presentation you choose and whatever software tool you require to present your final product in a creative way, begin investigating the options early if you need to learn the software.
• Create a flyer, infographic, poster, website, or video file
• OR...Create something else snazzy using your favourite software tool!!!
NOTE: This should be presented as something other than a powerpoint or saved pdf slides of a powerpoint!
Attachment:- Invisible Science.rar