What sales volume current intermediaries are achieving

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Reference no: EM131803087

Chapter 10- Suitable intermediaries are not available A firm may have to go direct if suitable intermediaries are not available or will not cooperate.

Sometimes intermediaries that have the best contacts with the target market may be hesitant to add unproven vendors or new products. For example, when Glacéau began selling its now popular Vitaminwater, wholesale distributors had no interest in carrying it. So the owner of the company delivered the bottled water directly to small retailers in New York City.

Once he proved his product would sell, distributor interest grew. On the other hand, to enter the California market, Glacéau gave distribution rights to just one distributor.

As a result, it was in this distributor's interest to work closely with Glacéau to build the market. Eventually Coca-Cola purchased Glacéau; at that point Coke added many of its own distributors. Glacéau became a success by slowly building support from retailers and wholesalers, but many new products fail because the producer can't find willing channel partners and doesn't have the resources to handle direct distribution.

In the United States, the Census Bureau publishes detailed data concerning wholesalers and retailers, including breakdowns by kind of business, product line, and geographic territory.

Similar information is available for many other countries. It can be very valuable in strategy planning-especially to learn whether potential channel members are serving a target market.

You can also learn what sales volume current intermediaries are achieving. Agree? Why?

Reference no: EM131803087

Questions Cloud

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Determine the breakeven points for the manufacturer : A manufacturer is looking for options in obtaining a product for sale, either through in-house manufacturing, or through an outright purchase.
Calculate the break-even point in dollars : Drake Company's income statement for the most recent year appears below: Less: Fixed expenses 234,000. Calculate the break-even point in dollars


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