What rules will he be subject to in his new business

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Reference no: EM133635878

Assignment: Law- Tax

After a lucrative career on Broadway and as an astrologer, your client decides to change careers and open up a tax preparation service called "Tax by the Stars." He has no formal tax training. He wants to know the following:

Question 1) What does he have to file with the IRS to be able to prepare tax returns for his family as a favor?
Question 2) What does he have to file with the IRS to be able to prepare tax returns for paying clients?
Question 3) What rules will he be subject to in his new business?

After several years preparing tax returns by the stars, he comes back to you for more advice. He says that was caught completely unaware but the IRS seems to disagree with what the stars told him his clients and family should report on their tax returns. Rather than leave things to fate, he has assured his clients that he will represent them in their audits. He asks your advice on the following:

Question 1) What does he have to do to be able to represent his clients during their audits?

Question 2) What regulatory rules will he be subject to?

Your client continues and tells you that he has a deep distrust (and slightly concerning obsession) with the American Bar Association ("ABA") and wants nothing to do with it. He says that he went did not become a lawyer simply so that he won't be subject to the ABA's model rules. He wants you to reassure him that his strategy will be successful and he won't ever be subject to ABA rules in a tax practice because he is not a lawyer.

Reference no: EM133635878

Questions Cloud

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Describe strategies to promote civility for the nurse : Describe strategies to promote civility for the nurse-to-client, nurse-to-nurse, and nurse-to-members of the interprofessional team.
What would be the outcome if atp synthase possessed : What would be the outcome if ATP synthase possessed a mutation where this Asp or Glu were substituted with each of the following?
What rules will he be subject to in his new business : What does he have to file with the IRS to be able to prepare tax returns for paying clients? What rules will he be subject to in his new business?
Explain ahimas principles of information governance : Explain AHIMAs principles of Information Governance. Identify different sources of health data. Define and describe healthcare data sets
Define vasoconstriction and vasodilation : Describe the three layers that typically form the wall of a blood vessel, and state the function of each and Define vasoconstriction and vasodilation
Explain the role of subdividers intention : Explain the role of "subdivider's intention" when it comes to determining the status of a road marked on an historic plan of subdivision.
Explain how the reimbursement method works : Explain how the reimbursement method works. Discuss how quality is at the forefront of the reimbursement method, as opposed to quantity


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