Reference no: EM133489124
You are employed as a community support worker at a local community hub and are currently conducting a therapeutic group session. The group is composed of six individuals from various backgrounds and is for people undergoing substance abuse treatment.
One of your group members-Carol-is currently addressing the group. Carol is 38 years old and has two young children (Tom, aged six and Chris, aged 8). Carol has substance abuse issues, specifically alcohol abuse. Carol has joined the therapy group to help her in her substance abuse treatment and gain a support network. Carol is telling a story about how she was drinking at Chris's 7th birthday party. At this party, she became drunk, fell over, and hurt herself and had to be taken to hospital. Carol tells the group that she was highly embarrassed and ashamed over the incident, and as a result herself and her children have been alienated by other parents and their children. While retelling this story, Carol has become emotional, her hands are shaking, her voice is breaking, and she has started to tear up.
Another group member-Darren-has become visibly upset during this story. He has been muttering under his breath, running his hands through his hair, and has kept changing position. Darren is 34 years old and has a had a difficult upbringing. Darren is normally relaxed, calm, and empathetic during meetings Darren's substance abuse is linked to illegal substances, specifically ice and amphetamines. At the end of Carol's story, Darren audibly exclaims that Carol "shouldn't be a mother".
Carol hears this and turns to Darren. She says, "You can't say that. How dare you say that! I love my children and I'm trying!" Darren stands abruptly and says, "No you don't, or you wouldn't do this to them!". Carol stands and says "What would you know? You're just a druggie loser!"
At this point, both Darren and Carol are standing and are visibly angry and upset. The rest of the therapy group are sitting quietly and avoiding eye contact.
What role types do Darren and Carol represent in this scenario? explain why these individuals fulfil these role types.