What role might subliminal perception play in everyday life

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133487958


Much of the knowledge on perception has come from research in the visual area. Our brain selects, sorts, and organizes the sensory information we receive to make judgments about the external world. Perceptual adaptation allows us to interpret and make sense of the information our brain gathers. Subliminal perception is the idea that we can perceive information, or process information, without being consciously aware of it. This theory has been debated by many, but much of the research does indicate that subliminal perception occurs. This is common in advertisements and commercials we come across in our everyday lives. Now, the question is not whether subliminal perception occurs, but does subliminal persuasion occur?

Think about subliminal perception, that begins by explaining subliminal perception. You will then explain how this perception relates to psychology. You will also think about a time when you were persuaded to buy, act upon, or do something because of a commercial you saw on TV, a show you watched, an advertisement in a magazine, and so forth. Being that this is about subliminal perception, it will have to be something that you did subconsciously, or without really thinking about it or putting forth effort. Be sure you fully identify the commercial, show, advertisement etc. Please APA references.

  • Why do you think humans developed the capacity for subliminal perception?
  • What role might subliminal perception play in everyday life today?


Reference no: EM133487958

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