What role does the play in human health

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Reference no: EM132010205

For the final assessment in this course, your task is to explore a public health nutrition issue. This task brings together the core elements of the course in understanding the public health significance of nutrition problems at different stages of the lifespan.

Imagine that you have just started working for a health department in a particular country/state/region. You have been asked to critically review the scientific literature discussing a nutrition issue of significance in that region. For this activity, your task is to have a detailed exploration of nutrition issues of significance in a particular age group, identifying clearly the social and geographic contexts. Your review should describe and/or assess a community or public health nutrition problem in the chosen population, and should relate to a single country or region or population context that you have direct knowledge of, or have read widely about. You are required to consider a life course perspective in completing the task.

For this task, first choose a country or region. This may have been one that you have lived in, worked in, or have a special interest in. What would you consider is the primary nutrition- related health issue in this country/region? You may choose your topic from the list below:

- Outcomes of malnutrition during pregnancy (mother/infant)
- Stunting, wasting etc., during infancy
- Adolescent/school age nutrition issues
o Iron deficiency anaemia in adolescent girls
o Consumption of junk food
- Micronutrient deficiencies
o Vit A deficiency
o Iodine deficiency
- Poor fruit and vegetable consumption
- Nutrition-related overweight, obesity or metabolic and cardiovascular diseases
- Nutrition issues in the elderly Please clarify your choice of topic with me.
Consider the following while describing your problem:

1. What is the problem? What is the key nutrition problem that is being discussed? (do not state this in terms of inadequate health service, or of causal or contributing factor e.g. poverty)

2. Where does the problem exist? (Country/region)
a. Define the geographic area that you are describing.
b. Describe your population and its characteristics (SES, religion and food culture, age group etc.)

3. Prevalence and distribution of the problem

4. What is the extent of the problem?

a. Who is (most likely to be) affected? Is the problem changing over time? How? What data is available to describe the distribution of this problem in the population? What does it tell us? What is the global prevalence for this nutrition problem? What data is available to describe the relative extent of this problem in comparable or contrasting regional or national populations?

b. What indicators were used? How is this problem detected/measured in a population? (What sort of clinical/functional/anthropometric measurements are used?) Are there particular low tech or low cost tools that might be considered useful for nutritional assessment in a field/community setting?

5. Why is this problem important?

a. You need to be able to state clearly why this nutrition problem should matter from a public health point of view. Why should politician or public health policy makers pay attention to this problem? Specifically what is your argument for investment in public health nutrition programs or policies? What are the implications of the problem? You might like to consider both short and long term implications of inaction for - Individual health, earning &/or caring capability, Quality of Life - Future health expenditure, and/or - Human rights

6. What are the causes of this problem? Determinant analysis

a. Conceptual maps can be a useful way of visually displaying factors influencing the problem (both barriers and facilitators of positive change). Typically there is some consideration of proximal, intermediate and distal influences. Conceptual maps are a useful aid to thinking ecologically.

b. What role does the [nutrient/dietary pattern/nutrition behaviour] play in human health? - Are there dietary factors that need to be explained? (e.g. what are the dietary source of a particular nutrient; particular factors inhibiting absorption, etc., are there any sociocultural issues that hinder consumption) What are the immediate contributing factors? Are there behaviours that need to be explained? What conditions or factors promote these immediate contributing factors? What social or commercial determinants have contributed to the problem?

7. Media
a. Stories about actual communities or households affected by this problem are extremely useful in putting a human face to the problem. Find an example of a media article that incorporates a description of the ‘human face' of this problem. Comment on how the author of the piece (a) perceives the problem and (b) what approach does the response fall under?

Verified Expert

It has far prescribed that once the extra settled grownup is hospitalized their chance of absence of stable sustenance increases. Nevertheless, some direction for the usage of oral wholesome dietary supplements on these human beings is given. From the above discussion, it can be derived that the top-notch sustenance and bodily exercising are essential for strong developing from both a bodily and mental angle. Along those lines, a multidisciplinary existence path method to control growth is primary to constraining its bothers for individual success and next preferred prosperity.

Reference no: EM132010205

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6/6/2018 8:43:00 AM

Addresses key aspects of the question/topic. Few omissions in information. Data is interpreted well. Argument is strong and backed up with some relevant evidence. Well synthesised and coherent argument and evidence. Some novel observations and original thinking. Thoroughly addresses all aspects of the question/ topic. All relevant information is included in the assignment. Data is well analysed and interpreted correctly. Extensive critical appraisal of evidence and argument. Strong, cohesive argument backed up with evidence. Original and novel observation


6/6/2018 8:42:54 AM

I attached file of nutrition task. U have to read it carefully because it’s of 50%. And please read each and every word. Content: evidence and argument 50% Does not address the question or topic. Crucial omissions in information. Serious misinterpretation of data. Serious errors in deduction. Argument is weak or nonexistent. No original observations. Some parts of the question/topic are addressed. Some major omissions in information and misinterpretation of data. Some errors in deduction. Some cohesion of argument. Few original observations. Addresses the question/topic. Some minor omissions in information. Data is mostly interpreted correctly. Looks at strengths and weaknesses of data /information. Argument is cohesive and backed up with some evidence. Some original observations


6/6/2018 8:42:19 AM

Sources and Very few (sources and A small number of sources A moderate number of A number of sources and A large number of sources and References references used. References and references used. sources and references used. references used. References references. A good variety of 20% come from only one source (eg References come from a Some variety in the type of come from a variety of references used, including websites, textbooks). Personal limited number of sources. references used, especially sources. Sources are websites, articles, government anecdotes without critique. Some sources are not articles from peer-reviewed acknowledged and good use reports, textbooks, etc. Incomplete acknowledgement acknowledged. Referencing journals. Sources are of referencing style. Personal anecdotes subject to of work of others (plagiarism). style is at times poor. acknowledged. Referencing careful critique. All sources are Referencing style is very poor. style is sound acknowledged and correctly referenced.


6/6/2018 8:42:13 AM

Style and Large number of grammatical, A number of grammatical, Some grammatical, spelling Assignment is well written. Assignment is cohesively Format 10% spelling and/or punctuation spelling and/or punctuation and/or punctuation errors. Some minor grammatical, written. Clear format. Very few errors. Assignment contains errors. Many problems with English is sound. spelling and/or punctuation grammatical, spelling or English construction that is English construction. errors. Good use of English punctuation errors. Excellent incomprehensible. language. use of English language. Format is of publication


6/6/2018 8:41:58 AM

Fail <50% Grade=<3 PASS 50-64% Grade 4 CREDIT 65-74% Grade 5 DIST 75-84% Grade 6 HIGH DIST >=85% Grade 7 Structure and Organisation 20%. Assignment is unstructured or over structured with mostly lists. Introduction, sections and conclusion are lacking or indistinct. Information is poorly organized and does not flow logically Assignment has some structure. Introduction, sections and conclusion are distinct. Some information is poorly organised, and at times does not flow logically. Assignment structure is generally good. Introduction, sections and conclusion are distinct. Most information is well organized and generally logical. Assignment has a good structure. Clear introduction, sections and conclusion. Information is well organized and logical. Assignment is very well structured. Clear and well- organized introduction, sections and conclusion. Flow of the assignment is logical. Similar to published work


6/6/2018 8:41:51 AM

Please make sure you address the following in your review. Required components: Clear title; clear statement of the problem; Definitions of terms; description of the population studied; Limitations and gaps when assessed against a life span perspective. Content: Logical argument; demonstrated understanding of life span approach; quality of argument Accurate referencing: Complete bibliographic information (Harvard style), quality of references Style and presentation: Grammar, punctuation, academic language; appropriate expression and tone; consistency in presentation.


6/6/2018 8:41:44 AM

This is an individual task. Your typed work is to contain a maximum of 3000 words (+/-10%), excluding the cover page and reference list. Please use the Harvard style of referencing. Your report should be typed using size 12 font with 1.5 line spacing. Please indicate the word count on your cover page. All assignments are to be submitted via Turnitin, as well as the Gradebook submission link on Blackboard. Please note that Turnitin has a plagiarism detection function.

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