Reference no: EM132583258
DBT 017 - System analysis and Design
Section A
Question One
a. Giving examples Differentiate between functional and non-functional requirements
b. Give five disadvantages of prototyping
c. What is a system composed of?
d. Give the advantages of using interviews in collection of data during system analysis
e. List five tasks that take place during preliminary investigation
f. What is requirement discovery?
g. CASE tools present a number of advantages to the process of system development. List some of the advantages that they offer.
h. Name three components of a system proposal that need to be produced during the preliminary stage of a system development.
Section B
Answer any two questions
Question Two
a) Explain what a prototype is and describe how it can be used in requirements gathering.
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of prototyping?
Question Three
a) What is a CASE tool and what features would you expect a CASE tool to have?
b) Describe how a CASE tool can help to improve the quality of a system being developed.
Question Four
The ‘Exotic Treat' company
The ‘Exotic Treat' company is a small, independent business that sells exotic sweets and cakes to the public. The proprietor is very keen on baking and specialises in making homemade sweets and cakes for sale in the shop. As well as making much of the confectionery sold in the shop, the proprietor also buys sweets and some cakes from suppliers to increase the range of products for sale.
At the end of each day the proprietor reviews the sales of the homemade items. He then decides how many sweets and cakes to make for the next day. This is also partly to replenish any stock that needs to be bought from suppliers, and also to keep track of the sales. Once a week the proprietor checks the stock to dispose of anything that is past its ‘use by' date. He also checks to see if any raw ingredients for the homemade products, or any pre-made sweets and cakes need to be ordered from the suppliers.
The proprietor orders supplies on a Cash On Delivery basis, so all deliveries are paid for immediately.
a) Draw a data flow diagram of the ‘Exotic Treat' company.
Question Five
a) What role does the following play in system development:
i) Business Analysts
ii) Stakeholders
b) Show the different phases of Systems Development Life Cycle explaining the role played by the business analyst and stakeholders in Part (a) in the relevant phases.