Reference no: EM131548455
Brainstorming/ Outlining Work; (Works Cited Page with 2 in-class sources and 2 outside sources listed in MLA Format, topic, sub-topic, chosen audience, main claim type, argumentative thesis/main claim, and separate body paragraph topics and/or topic sentences
Article 1: Tom Junod''s "Richard Drew, The Falling Man"
Analyzing the Situation
1. What role does kairos-timing-play in the situation in which Tom Junod writes this essay? Think, for instance, about why Junod's essay did not appear until eight years after the Falling Man photograph was taken. Think, too, about the pho-tograph's "timelessness" and the fleeting moment it preserves.
2. If we understand part of Tom Junod's essay to be about what should be seen and not seen, shown and not shown, can we also ask whether Junod should or shouldn't write.
Article 2: Michelle Goldberg''s "Debate Grows over Use of Sexual Assault Photo"
Article 3: Saul Bellow''s "Graven Images"
Analyzing the Situation
1. Why do you suppose Saul Bellow, a famed writer, de¬cided to write this short essay about photography? What is his position as speaker/writer in this situation?
2. Is the situation in which "Graven Images" partici¬pates still relevant? Why or why not?
3. Bellow begins "Graven Images" by addressing the power of the photographer. What role does power then play in the situation in which "Graven Images" participates?
Analyzing the Rhetoric
1. Several times in "Graven Images," Bellow refers to literary texts to explain and clarify what he means in his discussion of photographs. Why do you sup¬pose Bellow relies on fictional texts to explain the points he makes?
2. What is amour propre and why does Bellow use this term to convey his point?
3. What role does the story about Bellow's grandpar-ents play in Bellow's claim in "Graven Images"?
1. Bellow's essay suggests that photographs represent "us," the figure in a photograph and that people who view photographs interpret the pictures to provide a kind of understanding about the person who appears in the picture. Do photographs provide information about a subject? Can people really know something about you by seeing your picture?
2. What does Bellow mean when he says that photo-graphs reduce us to two dimensions?
3. How does Bellow feel about photographers?