Reference no: EM133713715
1. What is the Incarnation, and what role does it play in Christianity?
2. In what part of Palestine was Jesus born and raised?
3. What are the synoptic gospels, and when were they composed?
4. Who was St. Paul, and what were his major contributions to Christianity?
5. Name three of the central points that Jesus makes in the Sermon on the Mount.
6. Who was St. Augustine and what was his major contribution to Christianity?
7. Who was St. Thomas Aquinas and what approach does he take in proving the existence of God?
8. What is an apocalyptic message and what role does it play in Jesus' teachings?
9. What is the Trinity and what does it seek to explain?
10. When did Christianity become the official religion of the Roman Empire and what impact did it have on its further development?
11. How does Christianity seek to go beyond the covenant as understood in Judaism?
12. What is the Doctrine of Works? What is the Doctrine of Grace? How are they diffe rent?
13. What did Martin Luther mean by "justification by faith alone"?
14. Who was John Calvin and what was his view of predestination?
15. When and where did Muhammed first receive his revelations from God?2
16. Why is 622 considered Year One of the Muslim calendar?
17. What are the five pillars of Islam? Be specific in naming all five.
18. What is the main difference between how Muslims view the Qu'ran compared with how Jews view the Tanakh or Christians the New Testament?
19. Why is Islam considered an Abrahamic religion?
20. What is the most important difference between Islam and Christianity?
21. What term is used to describe Jews and Christians in the Qu'ran?
22. Who was Abu Bakr and what role did he play in the development of Islam?
23. What is meant by the term jihad and how is it often misunderstood today?
24. What is the Hadith and what role does it play in Islam?
25. What is Shar'ia law? Does it apply to non-Muslims as well as Muslims?
26. In what specific ways does the Qu'ran address issues of social justice?
27. How do Muslims view the Resurrection and the afterlife?
28. To what extent is Islam a faith, a body of ideas, and a religion of everyday life?
29. What are the main differences between Sunni and Sh'ia Islam?
30. What is Sufism, and who are some of the most famous Sufis?
31. Who was al-Ghazali, and what was his central philosophic standpoint?