What role does communication play in these five steps

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132215997

1 Discussion "Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail"

Hello Class! For this discussion forum, please respond to both of the following questions:

Question A

Tell us about yourself so you can meet and greet fellow Grantham University students within your course.

Include what you believe to be your current knowledge level of this course topic and what you hope to learn before the course is over.

Question B

This week we delved into the concept of change. We know that change requires effort. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. But what are the key elements that lead to success? What are the most common things that cause us to go wrong? In this discussion forum, you will explore some of the most common mistakes that cause change efforts to fail.

2 Discussion "Change Through Persuasion"

This week we delved into the need to create urgency in order to support change efforts. In order to prompt people to act we must first create for them a reason to want to act. In this discussion forum, you will explore the concept of persuasion.

Initial Post Instructions

Read "Change Through Persuasion" from HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change Management then choose one element of persuasion that you feel is the most important (set the stage, create a frame, manage the mood, and prevent backsliding). Why do you feel that this element is the most important?

Briefly summarize a situation that required change that exemplifies the element of persuasion you identified as the most important.

What actions did you or the change leaders take that displayed that element of persuasion? Was it effective? Why or why not? How does communication play a role in these elements?

3 Discussion "Leading Change When Business Is Good"

If your ship was sinking, it would be easy to inspire everyone to pitch in to try to create change. After all, their lives depend on quick action. However, when the sun is shining and everyone is relaxing on the deck with a good novel, it's far more difficult to inspire them to put their books down and spring into action.

So what can you do to lure your employees away from the sun and a good read to come help you facilitate change-- when it likely looks to everyone else that things are perfectly good just the way they are?

Initial Post Instructions

Read "Leading Change When Business Is Good: An Interview with Samuel J. Palmisano" from HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change Management then think of a time in your professional life when everything seemed to be going very well. Identify one thing during that time that you could have improved from good to great.

Identify the values present in your situation. Now how could you have used the five steps on pages 38 and 39 to successfully implement the change required to go from good to great? Explain what you would do in each step. In your opinion, are these five steps important? Why or why not?

What role does communication play in these five steps? Use and cite a minimum of three scholarly references beyond the texts used in the course to defend your reasoning.

4 Discussion "Radical Change, the Quiet Way"

I was told by a manager years ago that "no one likes to hear someone screaming that the Emperor is naked". At the time I had no idea what he meant. I got the basic message that I needed to be quiet, but I didn't fully understand the fable. Of course, after years of experience it became clear. No one likes to be criticized, or to have their leader criticized.

This means that even if our beloved leader (company, friend, whatever the object of the complaint is) appears naked with a kingdom full of people able to see them, it is simply not polite or respectful to begin screaming to point it out. You'll likely accomplish more productive change with tempered, timely, and respectful communication.

Initial Post Instructions

Read "Radical Change, the Quiet Way" from HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change Management then think of a time when you felt compelled to yell out that the Emperor is naked (metaphorically speaking).

Use the actions described on pages 62 and 63 in the "Ideas in Action" section to describe possible actions you could have taken. What reaction would you likely have received if you had simply hollered out and identified loudly all the things that are wrong with the situation?

How might the outcome be different if you used the actions described on pages 62 and 63? How do the concepts discussed reinforce the need for effective communication? Use and cite a minimum of three scholarly references beyond the texts used in the course to defend your reasoning.

5 Discussion "The Real Reason People Won't Change"

Change isn't easy. If it were, we wouldn't need an entire course devoted to helping us change successfully. There is a laundry list of reasons that our change efforts may not be successful. The article we focus on this week helps us explore one key reason some people may dig in their heels and refuse to embrace change

Initial Post Instructions

Here are three statements for your consideration.
Men are more likely to resist change than women.
-Women communicate better than men.

Older workers are more likely to resist change than younger workers.

Respond to the statements above, sharing your agreement or disagreement and why. Your reasoning must go beyond personal opinion and experience. Use and cite a minimum of three scholarly references beyond the texts used in the course to defend your reasoning.

6 Discussion "Cracking the Code of Change"

Change is not a one-size-fits-all concept. There are many different approaches to change and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some change strategies work well in some situations but not well in others. The key is finding the right method for your situation or perhaps even a mix of more than one, taking the best of each approach and making it fit your needs.

Initial Post Instructions

Search for a company whose leader used Theory E to drive the changes and another company whose leader used Theory O to drive the changes.

Compare and contrast the two companies, including profitability. Which of the two theories would you use to drive the change? Why? Is effective communication more important in one theory than the other? Why or why not? Use and cite a minimum of three scholarly references beyond the texts used in the course to defend your reasoning.

7 Discussion "The Hard Side of Change Management"

Change is a challenge. This isn't news. We focus on all the elements that may stand in our way such as human resistance, poor leadership, or lack of motivation. But sometimes we get so wrapped up in these soft elements of change that we overlook the nuts and bolts, the hard elements that are important to making change successful.

Initial Post Instructions

After reading "The Hard Side of Change Management" from HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change Management this week, it will be fruitful to explore additional theories of change management. To prepare for the discussion forum this week, conduct some research on other theories: complexity theory; Kurt Lewin's Force Field Analysis (Unfreeze, Change, Freezing); Morgan's Images of Organization or related articles.

Compare and contrast these models with Kotter's 8 Steps to Change. At this point, refrain from personal opinion - focus on an objective analysis of the theories themselves.

8 Discussion "Why Change Programs Don't Produce Change"

Just as you have learned throughout this course, change doesn't happen in an instant. No matter which method of change you adopt, it requires various steps. Breaking change down into more manageable steps will increase the likelihood of success as well as organized, controlled change.

Initial Post Instructions

Read "Why Change Programs Don't Produce Change" from HBR's 10 Must Reads on Change Management then review the summary of the three C's of change (commitment, coordination, and competency) on pages 180 and 181.

How do innovation, technology, and the concept of "going green" all pertain to the concepts of strategies for organizational change? Are innovation, technology and "green" efforts important considerations in the study of change? Why or why not? Use and cite a minimum of three scholarly references beyond the texts used in the course to defend your reasoning.

Reference no: EM132215997

Questions Cloud

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What role does communication play in these five steps : Briefly summarize a situation that required change that exemplifies the element of persuasion you identified as the most important.
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Create Work Breakdown Structure for eBook project : Create a Work Breakdown Structure for an eBook project, using a PowerPoint hierarchical structure chart or word outline format.
Why some financial institutions prefer to provide credit : Explain why some financial institutions prefer to provide credit in financial markets outside their own country.
Decision making within health organization context : Compare and contrast the willful choice and garbage can models of decision making within a health organization context.


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