What role do the media play in their lives

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133719879


Overview: The purpose of this assignment is to examine the impact of the media on those around you (as well as noting your own media consumption). I set up the guidelines for your interviewees to provide you with a wide age range and to make it easier to compare generations. However, I know some of you may not have any older relatives, or may have trouble finding a "tween" interviewee; do your best to find two other people that provide a decent age range. If you are really struggling, contact me and I can help you out.

What You Need To Do:

Interview TWO (2) people:

The oldest person you know (the older the better; preferably 15+ years older than you).

A person younger than yourself (ideally a "tweener": 9-12 years old, or someone at least 10 years younger than you).

Also, note/track your own media use!

Information you are gathering from the respondents and yourself:

Oldest person: When they were approximately 18-22, what types of movies/television shows did they watch (can they recall the emergence of television)? Who were their favorite musical artists/groups? Did they listen to the radio? What newspapers/magazines did they read? Did they adapt to the latest "technology"? Any recollections of seminal events covered by the media (for example, assassinations of JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King, Jr; War in Vietnam; Falling of the Berlin Wall; Beatles on Ed Sullivan; Man walks on the moon; the falling of the Twin Towers; any other historic event that received media coverage from any country; etc.) WHAT DID THEY THINK OF SOME OF THESE EVENTS? Plus, whatever they want to tell you about their media usage.

Younger person: Specific types of media they consume: Video games? Internet sites? Television shows? Movies? Popular music? Radio? Use of technology? (Provide details)

What role do the media play in their lives? Amount of time spent?

Yourself: How much media do you consume on a daily/weekly basis? Specific media products? Any patterns in your usage? Any surprises? (Provide details)

The Assignment:

You can choose to present your findings in whichever way you'd like. This can be an essay, piece of art, song, video, etc., but your comparison must contain the following:

1. The names, ages, and relationship of the informants

(Example: Denzel, 75, grandfather; Selena, 12, brother's friend's sister).

2. The "highlights" of your conversations.

3. Compare with your own media consumption/patterns.

4. How things have changed/remained the same. How technology has changed (or has it?).

5. Incorporate at least three ideas/concepts from class: high/low culture, Big Mac Theory, effects theories, economics, etc. [These are examples; you can use other concepts].

6. Project what the media landscape will look like in 2055 (programming, types of media, new technology, etc.). Try to think creatively/outside-the-box.

Reference no: EM133719879

Questions Cloud

Discuss the concept of enfranchisement : Discuss the concept of enfranchisement and how this impacted Indigenous peoples in Canada. How was enfranchisement been rectified or changed?
What examples do the authors give of negative stereotypes : What is the evidence to support its relationship to racialization? What examples do the authors give of negative stereotypes?
Example of environmental injustice in your community : What is an example of environmental injustice in your community? Which groups have been impacted the most negatively? What were those negative impacts?
Describe the history of human service-psychology : Please describe the history of human service, psychology, counseling, and social work.
What role do the media play in their lives : How much media do you consume on a daily/weekly basis? Specific media products? Any patterns in your usage? Any surprises?
Describe the basic organizational structure of the sclc : Describe the basic organizational structure of the SCLC and explain why it was effective in opposing Jim Crow Segregation in the South.
What is the theory and research behind neighborhood : What is The Theory and Research Behind Neighborhood Watch: Is it a Sound Fear and Crime Reduction Strategy about?
Can men be feminists : Can men be feminists? Why or why not? In YOUR opinion, how would their participation in the feminist movement aid or inhibit it - be specific.
Conduct a research on social welfare system in canada : Conduct a research on social welfare system in Canada. select and focus on a system in one particular province.


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