Reference no: EM132359623
Assignment: Directions: As you learned in your assigned readings, many mechanisms exist that leaders of nonprofit organizations can employ to encourage greater citizen input and involvement. One such method of active citizen involvement is creating and sustaining a strong volunteer workforce.
Due to limited funding and resources, most nonprofit organizations are dependent on volunteer labor to carry out day-to-day work and help meet agency objectives. Not only are volunteers vital to these organizations but they are also important for citizen engagement. As organizations tend to be in a constant state of change and innovation, so too has the face of the volunteer workforce also changed dramatically over the years to include virtual volunteering and volunteer databases. As a non-profit leader, it is important to be knowledgeable of how to find and retain your volunteers.
Considering the changing face of the volunteer workforce, the impact of public service values and motives, and the importance of citizen engagement that have you learned about in your assigned readings and throughout the textbook, answer the following questions in your discussion post:
In your initial post:
1. What role do public service values and motives play in an individual deciding whether or not to volunteer? As a leader, how would you use these values and motives to strengthen your organization's volunteer workforce and civic engagement? Provide specific examples.
2. Discuss the differences between managing volunteers and managing paid employees. What special considerations need to be taken to help each group (volunteers and paid employees) improve their performance?
In your response:
1. Select one of the ideas of the difference between managing volunteers and paid employees posted by your classmates and discuss how it compares or contrasts to your own ideas.