Reference no: EM131261925
ELL Instructor Interview
Interview an ELL instructor from a Title I school about how assessment is used for placement. You may interview one of the instructors that you have observed during your observations for this course. Inquire also about how placement is determined for both special education and gifted ELLs. Your questions might include (but should not be limited to) the following:
1. What are the indicators of exceptionality a classroom teacher should look for when a student also has a language barrier?
2. How can informal as well as formal assessment results factor into placement?
3. What role do parents and teachers have in placement?
4. What are some primary factors that are exhibited in underachievement that may not necessarily signal special education needs?
5. How are changes among individual ELL proficiency levels over the course of the school year accounted for?
6. How are diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments integrated for ELLs in mainstream classrooms?
7. What are the benefits of the SIOP protocol for native English speakers as well as those for whom English is an additional language?
Consolidate your findings in a 750-word essay, supporting your findings with at least three current sources.
What would influence your choice
: Describe any products or services you used or purchased to engage in these activities and the brand used or purchased. For which of these products do you think the brand was the most important influence in your choice? Explain your position.
Find the radius of the smallest sphere
: Taking into account that air becomes conducting when an electric field in it reaches about 3 • 106 volt/m, determine the radius of the smallest sphere that can be charged in air to a potential of 106 volts.
What are the advantages of using narrative text
: What are the advantages of using narrative text? What are the disadvantages of using only narrative text? Propose five possible uses for narrative literature in a middle-school language arts and/or content-area classroom.
Find potential produced by conductors at all point of space
: A spherical conductor of radius a carrying a charge s, is surrounded by a thin, concentric spherical conductor of radius b carrying a charge gee Find the potential produced by these conductors at all points of space.
What role do parents and teachers have in placement
: What role do parents and teachers have in placement? What are some primary factors that are exhibited in underachievement that may not necessarily signal special education needs?
What your return on investment would be for e-marketing plan
: Write an individual paper on what your return on investment would be for your e-marketing plan. Include the method/s that you will use to test and track your ROI
What are then the positive charges as we know them
: Suppose that we are located at the center (field-free region) of a very large, uniform, spherical cloud of positive charge. Show that what we consider to be negative charges may then be interpreted merely as holes in this cloud. What are then the ..
Analyze the relationship between business and society
: Specify the nature, structure, and types of products or services of Apple, and identify two (2) key factors in the organization's external environment that can affect its success. Provide explanation to support the rationale.
Show that electric field at a point of model is nin-2 times
: Show that the electric field at a point of the model is nin-2 times the field at the corresponding point of the actual system.