What role do osteoblasts have in maintaining bone tissue

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133670107

Question: What role do osteoblasts have in maintaining bone tissue? 9. The patella is part of which skeletal division? (circle the correct answer) a. appendicular b. axial 10. A young adult has how many bones, on average? 11. The inorganic portion of bone tissue is made of what complex mineral salt (consisting of calcium phosphate)? 12. How does the shape of a long bone contribute to resisting breaking when put under stress? 13. What is an osteon? 14. Synthetic bone material known as hydroxyapatite is often molded into the shape of bone. This procedure is done to replace bone that has been diseased, damaged, or surgically removed. Cells in the body remodel the synthetic material and produce new bone. What bone cells do you think are involved in this remodeling, and what role do these cells have? 15. What role do osteocytes have in bone tissue? 16. Describe the nature of decalcified bone. What was removed in the process of decalcification, and what impact did this have on the bone structure? 17. How does the central canal differ from a lacuna in terms of location and the material found in each respective space?

Reference no: EM133670107

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