What role did the team leader play in making this possible

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Reference no: EM132042425

Question: Please answer for of the questions below, choosing two from each chapter.

Chapter Eight - Pick two questions from the following:

1. Teams are often credited with making better decisions than individuals, yet they are also criticized for groupthink. What are some of the strategies for creating effective teams that do not fall victim to the groupthink phenomenon?

2. Identify and describe any team you have been a member of, or know about otherwise, that has a strong norm of teamwork that all members support. What role did the team leader play in making this possible?

3. What is the key to creating cross-functional teams in which team members put the good of the team ahead of functional self-interest?

4. What would you describe as some of the dos and do nots of team leadership?

Chapter Ten - Pick two questions from the following:

1. Describe the culture in an organization you have worked in. How could the culture have been improved, if need be?

2. Describe some of the practices, policies, and norms that you would expect to find in an organization that prides itself on building a culture of respect and trust.

3. What is the difference between diversity compliance and diversity institutionalization?

4. In your opinion, what would be some strategies for developing a diversity sensitive orientation?

Your submission should be a minimum of two full pages of analysis.

Reference no: EM132042425

Questions Cloud

Did you receive an agenda prior to the meeting : Recall a meeting you attended. Did you receive an agenda prior to the meeting? How well did the leader conduct the meeting? Give ideas on how the meeting could.
Overall assessment of the effectiveness of a marketing : Which term describes the service used by researchers in an attempt to provide an overall assessment of the effectiveness of a marketing campaign across multiple
Risk free rate and market risk premium : Assume the FCF is expected to grow at a rate of 3% into perpetuity. What is the value of the firm?
Behavioral model of health care utilization : Can the Behavioral Model of Health Care Utilization be used to explain not only the use of health services but behavior? Explain your response
What role did the team leader play in making this possible : Identify and describe any team you have been a member of, or know about otherwise, that has a strong norm of teamwork that all members support.
Higher education for emergency service workers : In your opinion, is there a need to require some form of higher education for emergency service workers, and if so, at what point of their career?
When analyzing a company what are some important points : How should we use strategy to define our brand and create brand equity? Which strategies actually hurt brand image?
Productivity and effectiveness of a team : Explain how team dynamics can affect the productivity and effectiveness of a team.
Contrast the two different leadership styles of each one : Identify, compare, and contrast the two different leadership styles of each one. Be sure to add applicable leadership theories and concepts.


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