Reference no: EM131888020
Part One: Business Venture Preparation
Respond to the following questions regarding team member commitment to the business venture:
1) Discuss and document if the business venture will be a full-time commitment or will start-up team members commit to part-time involvement.
2) Discuss and document how the team members will get buy-in from family members to enter into this business venture.
Part Two: Market Research
Complete the following template based on the team's marketing research results for your business venture:(Attached below)
Part 3: Reflection and Observations
Answer the following questions:
1) What role did each team member provide to obtain business plan information?
2) What roadblocks did the team face when obtaining required information?
3) What lessons were learned during the week's Learning Team assignment,which can be applied during the specific phase of business start-up?
4) What is the team's overall observations of this week's assignment relative to the type of information needed to develop a comprehensive business plan?
5) How does this week's Learning Team assignment support the Learning Objectives?
Attachment:- Business Venture Preperation.rar