What role can hr take in creating a culture

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Reference no: EM131697725


#1 Ulises Gomez

Manage Discussion Entry

Corporate social responsibility (CSR): "An extension of social responsibility; organizations' choice to assess and take the initiative and responsibility for the organization's effects on the environment and its impact on social justice and welfare, (Kopp, 2014, glossary)."

How do these two organizations demonstrate corporate social responsibility?

I am really surprised to hear the extent that that both (Esprit and Paragonia) have taken in their commitment to being classified as an eco-friendly corporation. Both companies have demonstrated corporate social responsibilities by their internal research of their company's harmful byproduct and way they can eliminate such toxins. Not only do these companies stop there. They have also elevated their commitment (eco-friendly) by reaching out to other eco-friendly companies to reduce pollutants. They have selected suppliers that are eco-friendly. These companies themselves has fostered a work environment that promotes ways to reduce waste, uses recycled material when possible, and seeks eco-friendly counterparts. Both organization have dedicated time to the community and community programs.

What role can HR take in creating a culture of corporate social responsibility?

I think the easiest role that an HR can take in creating a culture of corporate social responsibility is a recycling program with proceeds going to the local community. Another event would be a toy drive or adding a day for developing projects. Earth day for example; on this specific day the Bureau of Forestry teams up with the local community as help plant trees. Fundraise for non-profit organization.

Although these would be great in creating the corporate social responsibility, I think the best move for an HR representative to make would be a written statement to the reasons why the organization is now on the campaign.


Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human resource development: Performance improvement through learning

2. Jodi Weatherholtz

Manage Discussion Entry

How do these two organizations demonstrate corporate social responsibility?

Kopp explains that "corporate social responsibility includes organizations who choose to access and take initiative and responsibility for how the organization affects the environment, as well as social justice and welfare" (Kopp, 2014).

Esprit and Patagonia owners believe that the reasons they have success with the public is because they have a commitment to product integrity and they are also motivated in business. It is their belief that the consumers have the appreciation for the higher quality products when it comes from a company that takes pride in what they manufacture and stand behind those products. Moral ethics are used when marketing the products as well as the company's dedication to going "green". The employees take pride in their dedication and the part they take in being "green", because they too participate by planting trees, do their part in recycling programs with the corporation, and monitor energy and light usage. It is their belief these policies show the public their dedication to these practices and this will be viewed as a positive in the public eye. Per this week's lecture "Onete, Dina, and Vlad (2013) stated that by exhibiting these characteristics in the business model, the organization will increase the likelihood of long-term profitability. Demonstrating social responsibility can advance economic growth because social actions can lead to profit that will cover economic costs. Also, demonstrating responsibility toward employees can make them more efficient, be more responsible toward investors, and be willing to invest themselves into the organization" (Onete, Dina, & Vlad, 2013).

What role can HR take in creating a culture of corporate social responsibility?

I believe there are many things that can be done by the Human resource department to help their own company be more socially responsible.

1. Implement and encourage the "green" practices-by making it fun or even mandatory to recycle bottles and paper within the office then reward the efforts of the department.

2. Set up company food and clothing drives for the disasters that happen not only in their communities but all over the world, or food and clothing drives for the needy in the communities, then the company can match all charitable contributions. I think this helps the employees see that they are not the only ones who care they company care as well.

3. Encourage energy saving by turning off lights and computers when not needed or in use.

4. Promote healthier eating habits by brown bagging it to reduce fat, calories, and waste. Encourage employees to participate in walkathons all to promote better health.

These are just a few things that a company can do to promote corporate social responsibility, the list could go on forever if we really sit down and think about the endless possibilities.


Kopp, D. M. (2014). Human resource development: Performance improvement through learning[Electronic version].

Onete, C. B., Dina, R. & Vlad, E. D. (2013). Social entrepreneurship versus corporate social responsibility in e-learning. eLearning & Software for Education, 1, 567-572. doi: 10.12753/2066-026X-13-092.

Reference no: EM131697725

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