What risk management techniques did sams jet engine use

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131148771

Shared Responsibility

Sam, project manager assigned to the development of a new jet engine, has recently analyzed the project for risks. Sam talks to his friend, Mike, about how he analyzed the situation. see attachment for SAm and Mikes conversation.

Answer the following questions:

1. What risk management techniques did Sam's jet engine project use to identify and track risks? How effective were these methods?

1. How did Sam think that his project was innovative in their approach to risk management?

1. Did Sam think that risk management was important to his project's success? Why?

Nex, you may compare Sam's risk experience to another real life project to help understand the assessment better.

Submission Requirements:

o Save your work in a Microsoft Word document and submit it to your instructor as an attachment through the Questa Learning Plan.

o Write a minimum of 2 pages addressing the questions.

o Reference all research documents using the APA format.

• Font: Arial, 12-point, and double-spaced

Reference no: EM131148771

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