What resource will support the success of the strategic goal

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133772928

Homework: Logic Model Development Micro View


To complete this homework, you will adopt a micro-view utilizing the same public health problem you identified in your Goals and Outcomes in Context discussion post (.macro model attached same topic must be used for mirco) Use the Logic Model Template in the Resources for this homework to further identify goals, objectives, and approaches.


The numbered homework instructions outlined, so be sure to address each point. You may also want to review the performance level-descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

The micro-view for one specific public health problem should be organized into the following section, using the Logic Model Template provided. Use the second page of the template to write a brief, 1-2 paragraph summary of your logic model.

Recommend ways to cultivate fiscal or other resources required to achieve a strategic goal in the community, based on the identified public health problem. (For example, health improvement for adults in the community who smoke cigarettes and have increased risk of lung cancer). For further background, use the Week 4 readings on traditional and innovative ways to develop resources.

A. Identify fiscal or other resources required to achieve a strategic goal.

B. What are the inputs? What resources will support the success of the strategic goal?

C. What personnel are required to successfully execute and support the strategic goal?

D. What are the revenue source(s) and cost(s) associated with executing the strategic goal?

E. How will you solicit or encourage people or organizations to support your initiative?

F. Develop distinct goals for the public health problem, which will be addressed in the strategic plan in the community.

G. What are the aims relating to the identified public health problem?

H. Develop supporting objectives aligned to the distinct goals for the public health problem in the community.

I. What are the supporting objectives (aligned to the goals)?

J. Recommend appropriate interventions or approaches to meet the distinct goals for the public health program in the community.

K. What actions (interventions, approaches, methods, programs, and projects) will take place?

L. Identity the short-term and long-term outcomes for the population in the community impacted by the identified public health problem.

Reference no: EM133772928

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