Reference no: EM133583119
Assignment: Collaborative Presentation PDSA Worksheet
Group members:
Case Scenario Description:
After discussion as a group, what is the key problem/issue in your case scenario? You need ONE, SPECIFIC issue to focus on as a group, or else it will be very difficult to work through the PDSA cycle. Keep it simple and don't over-think.
I. Plan
Question 1. What resources are relevant to your problem and case scenario? Resources will help you learn about your problem and analyze the problem. Resources should be relevant, current, and reputable.
Question 2. Analysis of the problem. Using the resources identified above, analyze the practice issue in your case scenario. Consider: contributing factors, patient safety, ethical principles, legal implications, quality of care, social justice, etc. Ask Who? What? Where? When? Why? Do you have any further questions that need answering? Really dive deep into your analysis to uncover every aspect of your problem.
Question 3. What implications does this problem have on ALL stakeholdersinvolved in the scenario (clients, interdisciplinary team, families, communities etc.) Implications can be positive, negative, or neutral.
II. Do
Question 1. What strategies might manage or solve the problem?The suggested strategies cannot be your personal thoughts or opinions. They need to be based on best practice and supported by evidence. Provide rationale and evidence to support why you believe this. If you need to find more resources, do so.
Question 2. How do you plan to implement these strategies in practice? Be realistic and imagine doing this in clinical practice.
Question 3. How will you know if your chosen strategies have been successful? What outcomes would you expect to see?
III. Study
Question 1. What obstacles/problems might you have to overcome when implementing these strategies? Consider logistics, finances, ethics, workload, technology etc.
Question 2. How could you manage these obstacles? Again, provide rationale and support for these strategies.If you need to find more resources to help, do so.
IV. Act
Question 1. Summarize and reflect on what you learned. Do you believe your chosen strategies would ultimately work to solve the problem? Be realistic. Do they need to be modified in some way? Or would you totally abandon your chosen strategies and try a different angle?
Question 2. Re-write your Case Scenario to incorporate your chosen strategies and the outcome you would expect (positive, negative, or neutral).