Reference no: EM131761466
• Step 1: The following must be included (NOTE: Be sure to break your paper into the following sections with headings):
o Introduction to your country and general characteristics of the country's economy
- Note: Please try to give some details regarding how people live and work in the country that you choose in addition to basic statistics.
o Gross domestic product (current and the change in recent years)
o Unemployment & inflation (current and the change in recent years)
o Recessions and expansions in recent years
o Fiscal policy in the country
o Monetary policy in the country
• Step 2: Based on the characteristics of your country, provide advice regarding the types of economic policies that you feel the country should employ. Additionally, what other issues would you like to know about the country to help with your decision? What research should be completed to assist the citizens, firms, or government for the country in choosing the right policies?
Paper Requirements:
• Length: I expect that paper will be a minimum of 5 pages; title page and reference page do not count toward length.
• Title page including the name of your paper, your name, and a paper abstract (this is a brief summary of your paper; around 100 words).
• Paper section:
o An introduction that clearly introduces your countryand the goal of the paper.
o The main body of the paper should clearly describe your findings and your policy contribution.
o A conclusion that summarizes and emphasizes your contribution.