What rate of return must earn in order to have the amount

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13328563

Mr. Fish wants to build a house in 8 years. He estimates that the total cost will be $150,000. If he can put aside $10,000 at the end of each year, what rate of return must he earn in order to have the amount needed?

Reference no: EM13328563

Questions Cloud

State unbalanced chemical reaction representing electrolysis : (a) In the electrolysis of aqueous Na2C2O4, how many liters of CO2(g) (at STP) are generated by a current of 89.9 A for a period of 53.0 min? The unbalanced chemical reaction representing this electrolysis is shown below.
Determine what is the yield to call of the bond for sale : A 6.75% coupon bond with 13 years left to maturity can be called in 2 years. The call premium is one year of coupon payments. It is offered for sale at $919.75. What is the yield to call of the bond
Determine how much debt was outstanding per share : Stewart Inc.'s latest EPS was $3.50, its book value per share was $22.75, it had 215,000 shares outstanding, and its debt ratio was 46%. How much debt was outstanding
Should project be accepted based on the discounting approach : Blue Water Systems is analyzing a project with the following cash flows. Should this project be accepted based on the discounting approach to the modified internal rate of return if the discount rate is 14 percent
What rate of return must earn in order to have the amount : Mr. Fish wants to build a house in 8 years. He estimates that the total cost will be $150,000. If he can put aside $10,000 at the end of each year, what rate of return must he earn in order to have the amount needed
Supreme court uphold justice nobles judicial rationale : At the first trial Justice Noble attempted to clarify the difference between mercy killing and premeditated murder, granting Latimer a constitutional exemption from the minimum sentence of 25 years with no chance of parole for 10 years. He explained ..
Criminal law incorporates the moral principle : The defence of necessity in the criminal law incorporates the moral principle that every individual who is not morally culpable for the of offence should not be punished.
Labor-intensive bargaining and pattern bargaining : O.S.R. Manufacturing Inc. is a manufacturer, distributor, and installer of kitchen cabinets. Its manufacturing plant and installation crews are unionized by the Carpenters' Union, and the distribution employees are unionized by the Teamsters.
Departing from mandatory sentencing provisions : Was the trial justified in departing from mandatory sentencing provisions? Should the motive of compassion be taken into account in sentencing someone convicted of murder?


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