What question about emergency management did article help

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133533192

Read the below article and provide feedback using the QQC (Quote, Question, Comment) Model.

Quote: Select a phrase or concept from the article and share what stood out and why.

Question: What question about emergency management did the article help address? Or what questions did this article bring up for you?
Comment: What comments do you have about the article? Perhaps an example from current events or your professional experience.

Article - The Future of Disaster Relief Isn't the Red Cross

Reference no: EM133533192

Questions Cloud

Discuss two change management theories : Discuss two change management theories or concepts that you would recommend to start moving Disney toward becoming an agile organization
Define the confronting and disputing core beliefs technique : Define the Confronting and Disputing Core Beliefs technique. Describe what the Confronting and Disputing Core Beliefs technique looks like in action.
Describe the role of behavior modification in organization : Describe the role of behavior modification in the organization. Relate the article to three (3) points that you have learned in the course so far
Summarize the study main findings and their practical : Briefly summarize the topic, its characteristics, symptoms (if applicable), the brain regions affected, and recommended treatments (if applicable).
What question about emergency management did article help : What question about emergency management did the article help address? Or what questions did this article bring up for you?
People of minority race were disproportionately represented : In both Law and Order (the original show) and NYPD Blue, people of a minority race were disproportionately represented as offenders
What are the key factors involved in implementing : What are the key factors involved in implementing and managing social policies and programs? Support your answer with an example of a social policy or program.
Discuss systemic approaches in treating trauma : discuss systemic approaches in treating trauma. Discuss how you plan to incorporate families in treating trauma. What are the possible benefits and risks
Describe the behavior, emotions, and cognitions that are : describe the behavior, emotions, and cognitions that are associated with this difficulty. (Where did they fall on the scale of normal, mild, moderate


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