What qualitative data did the authors choose to evaluate

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Reference no: EM131503362 , Length: 650 Words

In the Bennett, Riger, Schewe, Howard, and Wasco (2004) article assigned in this unit, the authors describe the evolution of their plan to assess outcomes in their community's hotline, advocacy, counseling, and shelter services for victims of domestic violence.

After reviewing the article, address the following: This post needs to be supported with at least 4 references

What qualitative data did the authors choose to evaluate?

What quantitative data did they choose to evaluate?

Critique the authors' rationale and final decision, referencing considerations offered from the assigned chapters from your textbook. Do you agree or disagree with their rationale?

What additional information about clients' experience would have been valuable, and how could it have been collected? See the 2011 Chenail article assigned for this unit for possibilities.


Use your Royse, Thyer, and Padgett text, Program Evaluation, to complete the following:

Read Chapter 4, "Qualitative and Mixed Methods in Evaluation," pages 93-109.

Read Chapter 7, "Client Satisfaction," pages 193-207.

Use the Capella University Library to complete the following:

Read Bennett, Riger, Schewe, Howard, and Wasco's 2004 article, "Effectiveness of Hotline, Advocacy, Counseling, and Shelter Services for Victims of Domestic Violence: A Statewide Evaluation," in Journal of Interpersonal Violence, volume 19, issue 7, pages 815-829.

The authors describe the evolution of a plan to assess outcomes in their community's hotline, advocacy, counseling, and shelter services for victims of domestic violence.

Read Chenail's 2011 article, "How to Conduct Clinical Qualitative Research on the Patient's Experience," in Qualitative Report, volume 16, issue 4, pages 1173-1190.

Using Mixed Methods to Evaluate Counseling Services

Reference no: EM131503362

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