Reference no: EM132170269
Question: Ethics short paper:
Before completing this assignment, please review the attached document, Expectations for Short Papers. It is important that you understand the expectations that are required when completing the short papers for this course. Additionally, this document provides further in- depth instructions.
For this paper, we will be analyzing ethics. Please follow the below outline.
Criteria: This paper must be at least 5 pages of content (not including the cover page or reference page), and completed in APA format (6th edition). Aside from utilizing the text as a source, you are required to use at least 2 additional scholarly resources. Check out the library online database to find articles. Please provide paper in Word document format.
Your paper must include the following:
• Cover Page
• Introduction (1 to 2 paragraphs maximum)
• Purpose Statement (2 to 3 sentences)
• Analysis (3.5 to 4 pages maximum)
- What purpose does an ethical climate serve, and why is it important to an organization?
- How do biases impact our moral decision making? (Pick 2)
(Please note: The biases that are required for this paper, are located in the Values, Ethics, and Character Chapter).
- Provide an example of an ethical issue. Why is this issue unethical? What behaviors are occurring that are unethical?
- How could the ethical issue have been avoided? In other words, what are some of the leadership actions that should have been implemented to establish an ethical climate? (Note: think about the 5 components that help leaders "create and sustain an ethical climate," that we examined in the week 2 discussion post. Just pick 1, from the list of 5 on p. 198).
- Conclusion (1 to 2 paragraphs maximum)
• Reference page
Please also review the Short Papers Rubric located in the Rubrics Tab.