Reference no: EM133480376
Case Study: This is normally an in-class group activity. However, you have the option of completing this assignment meeting (virtually) with other students, or you may select people from your family and/or circle of friends--they must be of different gender from you.You are to come up with 5-7 questions that you have always wanted to ask the opposite gender but, for some reason or another, never have. You are to rank your questions in importance.
Two simple rules govern the limits here: (1) you may not ask a question of the opposite gender that you are unwilling to answer yourself, and (2) you should avoid questions that are insulting (i.e., specific sexual behaviors that might embarrass some class members) or that tend to generalize about all members of a gender (e.g., "Why do women always go to the bathroom in pairs?").
After the question and answer session, you are to respond to the following Discussion Questions and submit the questions that you used for the assignment, and your responses to the following:
Question 1. What did you find out about the other gender that you didn't know before?
Question 2. Are your perspectives similar to or different from the others you interviewed?
Question 3. What purpose did perception checking serve in this activity?
Question 4. How do our perceptions influence communication with others? Give specific examples.
Question 5. What effect might this activity have on future communication and relationships with people of the opposite gender (or of another culture)? Suggest specific ways we can improve communication.